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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I will look into this tomorrow and get back to you.

It is not the map, when you added the buildings, you need to find the barn you are trying to edit.

I'm at work right now. When I get home I will look and get back to you.

You need to change it in the xml file

Hey I have cleared my game and tested this and had no issues. I've also spoke with others that have downloaded all this and have not had this issue.  I will continue to see if I can figure anything out.

I don't know. I will take a look and get back to you.

Truly looking forward to this map. Watched you and Squatch play on here. 

No man, not at all. Glad you enjoyed the video.

Hello sir. Attached is a link to a video I did of the Ag-Bag Silage Bagger.  I did find that I was unable to pick the pallet bag up with a skid steer or front loader. However, I enjoy the work you do and will continue to support modders like yourself. Thank you for all you do. Keep up the great work.

I have been playing and recording videos on this map for a while. Hands down my favorite map. The fact that you are still working on it is even better. IRL stuff will always come first. I get that and respect it. I am working on my own map and just keep using this as a reference for what I hope it feels and looks like. Thanks so much for all the work you have put into this.