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A member registered May 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi there, please post your installation issues on discord installation channel and screenshot your error message. We'll try to help you there.

Hi there! Me and my team use a few rendering engines for the scenes, but it's mostly post rendering work to makes it look pretty :)

There are three relationship endings per character - old world, new world and deviant. You can speculate what that means with the guys at the lore channel since I shouldn't be giving out spoilers :)

Hi there, thanks for the interest and support, Chapter 2 is only available to current patrons for all tiers. To play it, you will need a working copy of Ch1 either from Itch or from supporting Patreon in September.

You can join our discord group, the players there will help you!

Hi there! I will do an official translated and Android version after the whole game is complete. This is to avoid duplication and slowing down of the development progress. Do add me on Discord or join the Ergi Discord community. When the game is ready for translation and other development work, I will let you know.

Hi there, there is a pinned post on Patreon for the dowload. PM me there if you have problems finding it.

Hi there, sorry for delayed reply. Chapter 1 will be released to the Public at an affordable price shortly. Unfortunately, this game is complex and expensive to produce. I will not be able to continue production if there are insufficient funds to cover costs.

hi there, thanks for the support. We hope to release it  within a week or two.

Hi there, thanks for the support. I'll work on that once the main game is completed!

Hi there, we will try to make the game more accessible to other platforms and languages after the base game development is completed. We don't have a timeline for it yet.

hiya, you can private message me on discord

Hi there, thanks for the support. Currently, only the prologue is available on Itch.  Chapter 1 is currently only released on Patreon.

Hi there, can you private message me on discord?

Hi there, thanks for interest. We will include Android and possibly translations in our future developments when the game is stable and completed. Right now, our priority is to get enough resources to complete the base game. 

Thanks! Can you private message me?

Hi there, there are no planned developments and dates for Android yet. 

Optional CGs are locked by attributes, relationship progress are locked by relationship stats. You can check out the spoiler sections in Discord for the different endings.

Thanks for the support! Erland is a bug and will be fixed in the next patch. Jostein 16 isn't a bug, it's just hard :)

Hi there! Production schedule is around 4-6 weeks cycle. It depends on the chapter and if there are bugs.

Hi there! Thanks for your support and kind words:) We are developing the game by episodes, and patrons have early access to it (link above). You can consider joining if you wish to be involved in the development. Otherwise, you can wait to purchase the public release version when it is ready. 

Hiya! The link is above the discord. Let me know if it works? Thanks for the support!

Hiya, 'Legal Eagle' is a hard quest. You need to collect clues from the 8 districts (there are none in the depot, but two in the Institute). These clues show up in specific locations and order (some show up as the 3rd event, some are the 12-13th event).  Only 1 location event can take place a day, so some will only show up on the 12th or 13th day. My guess is that you might have neglected to explore some areas, or some are locked by other character's side quests. Jorgen's side quest 'vitality' can be initiated in the greenhouse. This quest is optional unless you are interested in romancing Henrik. You can also try asking in Discord, there are more people there to help you out. I won't be checking posts so often now to work on ch2.. :)

Hi there, the game is intended to be a series. Each chapter is a standalone story.

Thanks for the encouragement! Try asking for help on Discord? There are more people to help you there :) 

Thank you so much for the support!

You have to pick the wood again once it's used up! To heat the bath, you'll need ax, tub, wood, water, kettle, then boil it in the kitchen. If you're stuck, try asking for help in the Discord channel.

Glad to know Ralf is getting some love! Should be ok for future releases, but I need to talk to the programmer first.

Thanks for the feedback! I can't change the UI now cos the font is hardcoded. It will cause bugs and production delays. I can tweak those that are not (like the main quest pop up). I will probably relook the UI again after the series is completed.

Thank you so much for your kind words! This really made my day :)

Sorry for the delayed response! Thanks for your support and interest. Please pardon me if I got your question wrong.  Ergi Alfheimr chapter is scheduled to release this Friday on Patreon.  Our programmer can only complete the QA by this week, thanks for your patience!

We are doing QA now,  polishing the game UI. Most likely it'll be next week.

Hi there! Chapter 1 will be released on Patron.  We are at the last leg of testing, and we'll try to get it out within a week if no major bugs come out during the testing.

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! It made my day :)

Thanks so much for the support! The programming for the game engine will be done by tomorrow. Chapter 1 will be released in July as soon as alpha and beta testing  is done:)

Hi there! Try and see if this link works?

Thanks so much! Hang around for chapter1!

Hi there! I will work on an Android version after all the chapters are completed. As this requires separate programming and UI development...

Thanks for the support and encouragement!

Hi there! I will start a twitter account once chapter 1 is out:) You can follow my Patreon in the mean time, I make public posts there too!