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A member registered Nov 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I made the hitboxes smaller so it's not as complicated as the original :P

AMAZING!! It keeps going at low fps but it doesn't have as many stops as before, honestly it's a good game and with a little work something great could come out

(4 edits)

Sólo voy a volver a actualizar el juego si hay algún bug muy serio, doy por finalizado este proyecto!! 🥰

I will only go back to update the game if there is any very serious bug, I give for finalized this project!! 🥰

If you want to change the way you attack I think it would be a good idea to put a key that is on the right side of the keyboard, like "k, l, j" to make the player use both hands instead of just one.

You can still use the mouse to attack, the code that I have provided all it does is hide the mouse


I like the artistic decision you have made when making the game, I feel that if you keep updating it and adding features a very good indie game could come out!!!

I like the artistic decision but it has a lot of performance issues, I have an RTX 2080 ti and it hits me very big fps drops

(1 edit)

You have to make the box collisions bigger and add the following code so that when the player starts playing the mouse cursor disappears, also when the idle animation is on the sword hides and when you walk the sword comes out, I don't know if It is an artistic decision but I clarify it just in case, I hope it has helped you!! ^^

void Start()     {         //Set Cursor to not be visible         Cursor.visible = false;     }

You forgot to set the fps limit and when the game starts it stops and doesn't let you play :(

(4 edits)

Sólo voy a volver a actualizar el juego si hay algún bug muy serio, doy por finalizado este proyecto!! 🥰

I will only go back to update the game if there is any very serious bug, I give for finalized this project!! 🥰