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A member registered Nov 21, 2023

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(1 edit)


I uh...

I think I won

Anyway in terms of feedback, the pricing system is a bit weird, you should make it more clear how it works. I also think the gameplay loop needs a bit more depth, because all you do after unlocking all the upgrades is click the buttons with little strategy involved, and a dark theme would be nice. But overall, neat little game, you made me spend half an hour on it.

It's pretty good but it seems a bit RNG dependent, plus, I always feel like when I finally get enough resources for something, I have to sell them before I can use them because I don't have any of another resource I need. This might be intentional or maybe more cards are added later on, but on first impression, it comes off as frustrating. On the positive side it's immensely satisfying when I DO actually get all the cards I need quickly enough and can Kill an enemy quickly. You also should consider an HP system because dying from any hit at all seems a bit harsh. But over all, good stuff!

maybe make the UI elements more clear and concise,  or just make it less complicated /:

still pretty cool though