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A member registered Jan 02, 2021

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Yhea all in all its a Common occurance. 
If you want to make sure its safe then
1 Dont download any new games (aka just appeared not many comments etc) 
2See if the comments are Varied (everbody praising the game could be using bots meanwhile questions problems etc hint at it being "Real" 
3 If you are still unsure wait a little bit and/or check whatever support he asks for 
In a case like this with around 800€ pledged per month its unlikely to just be a scam

True I just totaly forgot about that. 
Never knew why you would want to skip stuff you havent seen but yhea makes sense

any way to skip to the new content 
got a new pc and my save is gone and replaying all would take quite a while of mostly just clicking trought (had played somewhat recently so i dont realy need a Refresher)

(1 edit)

found this game a Couple days ago and Yes its an Adult game.
But this game Feels Comparable to Caribis qualitie of Games (who i up to now Considered as the Number 1) 
Yes some parts are worse but others actualy are even Better 

To anybody Stumbling Upon this Give it a Go its Top tier 
(Unless you Litteraly just skip Trought stuff for the sex scenes but even then its Quite good but likely you will miss a bunch) 
The Preview Pictures/Gifs here are actualy quite a bit Lower then the Actual game Resolution wise etc

And to The Creator 
Thanks for the Ride and definitely gonna have to Remember your Name in the Future

I second the Dark mode Request its just more pleasent on the eyes if its not as bright

I mean Regarding the whole not helping society etc thats all 100% true yhea. 
Regarding sec there is meaningless since its not real 
well real life Hooking up with a hooker aint that expensive and its real sex so does that somehow increase your value? 
Meanwhile in something like Eternum (Looking at it from the point of it being a Vr MP game not the light novel)
the people you would have sex with would be real people that are Interestet in you

So basicaly There everything surrounding the sex exept for the physical thing itself is real (including the pleasure,feelings etc) 

So i would say sex in Eternum (exluding ingame hookers) can be even more "Real" then sex in real life (agein as watching from the perspective of a person inside the Eternum itch game)

As for it being smarter to stop it instead of playing it etc 
Might be the better choice in terms of being moralie correct etc but just look at real life People drive cars it would be better to use a bicycle or walk people still order food creating useless packaging or order stuff online (agein packaging etc) 
People dont act 100% based on whats best from a Moral standpoint (and it would even be hard to say what a straight up right thing is since moralitie is in and of itself something Humans made up based on individual opinion) 

According to how i understand it it becomes available for free on Itch once 0.8 has been rolled out to all supporters (so likely still quite a while seeing how its just 2 months since the last update)

(1 edit)

Downloaded it with not to much thought behind it other then hey thats in the top for a while now.
Frankly i cant express what kind of art this game is I mean fuck the porn aspect the story the emotions it transports is just insane 
The ups and downs the jokes I just cant anymore 
Even sitting here writing this i am crying Yes in part because it has sad parts (thought the biggest trigger has a warning and i stayed away from it) but mainly because diving into this game allowed me a Person who themselv has strong Mental Problems and in my day to day life litteraly does not feel emotion to go trought feelings of Joy fun suspense and the like comparable to what i feelt in probably the last 10 years combined.

thought one Warning while the game is overall pretty upbeat and fun it does have a Darker theme and as a person that knows it from my own life i can only say that if you suffer from these Problems it 
I straight up cant express it Its special 
and to the Creator Probs to you this game you createt can in this category of games Compare and easylie surpass games like Life is strange bye miles in certain ways Its Truly something Unique and i am Gratefull for being able to experience it 

Any Idea when that one would come out (just a broad like is it weeks a month a couple months etc)

Played trought it and all horror that came up in the current version was a scream and some tense atmosphere in the prologue and 1 encounter where a creature (somewhat like a skinned human) stumbles towards you trought a dark corridor (leading to the fight you see in the 8th and 9th screenshot) 
O and not sure if i missed it or its something only your charakter saw (as in it wasnt shown) but apparently during 1 dream a face of a girl changes to be more demonic) but thats all i can think off