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A member registered May 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Happy Valentines!

That's a really cute video.

I hope development continues smoothly!

Take your time and I eagerly anticipate the release of Chapter 1!


Snowy and I finished playing. It was a ton of fun! 

We got through all the endings and had a lot of discussions throughout our route choices. I also predicted the plot twist around Caleb almost as soon as it was revealed what he specialized in.

This was the order in which we reached each ending.

Final Ending 4
Final Ending 3
Ending 3
Ending S1
Final Ending 1
Final Ending 2
Ending S3
Ending S2
Normal Ending 2
Normal Ending 1

I do have questions about one of the routes though.

I don't want to put spoilers here, so I'll put it into a pastebin:

Thanks for making this wonderful game!

Excited to try it out!

Looking forward to your new VN 👀

Best wishes to all your future endeavors!

I see, that's really interesting.

She says that she's willing do it for free. Unfortunately when she launches the game on her mac, the game crashes when she tries to open the options menu.

"Start" and "Load" seem to work fine though and it seems like she's able to play the game just fine otherwise.

Also she asks if you have a writeup of the entire game's script to make it easier for her to look through.

When we started the game, we enjoyed that Ichigo's name seemed to match with the color of the fruit. So we restarted our playthrough and named our main character "Ume" after plum. We also laughed after Googling "Yuzuki" and finding out he was also named after a fruit. I also wonder, does the MC's default name, Aimi, have any significance? What about Haruto's name?

My girlfriend says that she would be willing to make an exhaustive list of the grammar issues if you are interested. She enjoys editing as well as proofreading, and we both enjoyed your VN so much we want to help polish it!

I just finished all endings!

I played it with my girlfriend and we had tons of fun reading everything and coming up with theories given new information. We really enjoyed how some endings gave hints to plot lines revealed in other endings. We also got the "life sentence" ending first, so the whole "arrested for murder" part caught us completely off guard. 

There were a few grammar mistakes, but nothing incredibly major. Considering this project is several years old, it really isn't that big of a deal.

I do wonder, is Haruto alive in the second chance ending? (the one where the MC is sent to Juvie)

Because presumably Ichigo would still kill him to due him witnessing one of the murders.

So as far as what's explicitly stated, I think Haruto is only alive in the ending where the MC kills Ichigo? Although since Ichigo kills himself one of the endings where the MC kills herself, it would be reasonable to assume he kills himself in the other MC suicide endings as well (Hand and Guilt). Thus, Haruto would be alive in those endings. Can I get any sort of writer's confrmation? haha

We both really loved the game! I've already downloaded your other game and I look forward to playing that soon.