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klitz <3

A member registered Apr 30, 2021

Recent community posts

i love this game smmm i first downloaded it like a year ago and keep replaying it! i love how this isnt just fully a porn game theres actual fleshing out of the characters!!! right now i dont have the funds to spend on buying this game but when i do i am sooo gonna buy it and totally suscribing to the pateron! thank you hizor games!! quick question though: could i get a hint to the "secret" achievement? i have almost all of the other achievements (besides the lottery one lol) but for the life of me cannot figure out what the secret achievement could possibly be?


h ii have brittle bjones (9 m turnigf 10 



my boens hurt really bad i bumped it and it was really bad but not really just  alittle but i broke my elbow and i awana play a game but i dontw anna hurt my elbow again (i have osteogenesis imperfecta) please


i won,e

hello mt name is shane and i have brittle bones didesease (ia m 10) itmakesme break bones rlly easy so i got  scared at a scayr game and broke my wrist Please reccomend a game for me thats scary but not rlly scaryer (also my favrote video its not scary its oka yi guess)

hor hor hor hoe horr hor hor hor hor hor/.......................................

I am dead ........ D/... Da,......ead.....

best game evar but 2 scary 😢 makes my bones squishy