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A member registered Jan 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for taking the time to play the game and report the bugs!


  • Sorry I missed that one. The cursor is considered “walking” and the poison status ailment triggers. I will get that fixed.
  • The music randomly selects remastered music from a playlist of Breath of Fire 1 – 6 songs when you go to certain areas.
  • Again, the battle music randomly plays remastered music from Breath of Fire 1 – 6.
  • I’ll get the pathing fixed for the mountains. Pathing/clipping is one of those bugs that always pops up.


  • If you hit Alt + Enter it will automatically go to full screen. I need to add that option in to do it automatically.
  • I am making a walkthrough for version 5.0; however, no one has made one yet for 4.1. The main reason I hadn’t done one yet was because of all the changes in every patch.
  • You get the cooking no matter what house you choose.   The log cabin allows you to gather crops. The regular looking townhouses increases your party’s experience gain rate, and the fancy houses increases your party’s base attributes, Health, and Mana.
  • Right now, the Light and Dark tree only affects abilities. In the next patch it will act more of a morality system based on your choices will grant you points to spend.

Again, thank you for playing the game and giving me feedback!

(1 edit)

Currently Ryu has 3 Skill Trees that allows you to customize Ryu further. In 5.0 I'm updating most of the skills.

Thank you!

Thank you for your review, suggestions, and insight!

Thank you!

I appreciate your advice, and you are right.

I appreciate your feedback! My main goal is to make a Breath of Fire game that is enjoyable for everyone.

I actually entertained the idea for a master system because I have the foundation for one. The Shamans have two function: the first being you go to the tower and merge with them to transform. The second is you can also "equip" the shamans in your inventory for partial transformations/stat boosts. I don't think it would be too hard to expand on it to the master system.

Thank you for your kind words! I grew up with Breath of Fire as well; it is the reason I am so passionate about this project.

I greatly appreciate your kind words. Hearing that people are enjoying the game really makes it worth while. I agree with you that Ray is an untapped vein I need to look into, especially now that you can choose between light and dark dragon tree. I will use what you wrote for some inspiration on next patch for Ray. Thank you for all your feedback and suggestions!

I appreciate your kind words and suggestions.

I think there are several other people that feel the same way you do about Ray; I have gotten several requests regarding him. Right now he is either hostile or friendly to you depending on if you saved the villagers in the well. I think a redemption arc for him wouldn't be a bad thing.

My only worry about Bo and Karn is creating their spell kit to add something to your party and not be a duplicate of Bosch or Sten.

Sorry for the trouble. You are right there is a bug in the conditional tree where it doesn't remove the Holy Shaman correctly when you select "Remove all Joining." I'll get that fixed and updated.

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Thank you, looking into it now. Last patch I altered how the targeting/hit worked including Stealth. I will get this fixed right away.

Really good GUI pack that is organized and easy to modify for my game.

After you get Yua, you should speak to Bosch at Viree. It should automatically teleport you and trigger the Trout's mansion part.


Failing to save Mina is a major plot point that will affect the game and lock you out of parts of the story but is a requirement to get the 4th ending where you recruit no one. It will just be you, Bosch, and Yua against the world. Basically you will take a boat from the rebel hideout to Evarai, but will not be able to fly at all in the game.

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The targeting on Stealth seems to be bugged for AOE and Stealth removing spells. I will have to look into this. Stealth should be removed after they perform an attack though.

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My apologies for that! I have fixed the bug that is causing the freeze when you try to turn in Suzy.  Also the tree should now flow correctly, there was an issue with reset. I am uploading the updated version now and greatly appreciate you letting me know!

Glad you beat the game!  

I really appreciate you having such a lengthy feedback and bug post. This allows me to get more ideas and to make the game the best version of it that I can.

Not being able to beat Tiga in original was always something that I hated. He deserved a good stomping.

I think you are right about some of the later dungeons needing expanded a bit. I will take a look and see what I can do without bogging them down.  I still need to do Guntz as well as Highfort in a later patch.

Ideally I was going to have it so you can romance all the characters, but it was such an undertaking I'm thinking just focusing on Nina and Lin as the original had it is the way to go. An expanded dating system would be good instead of just the camp fires and random banter between npcs.

Next patch will fix some of the soft locking bugs like Rand blocking in the arena if you reenter. I am also looking at your suggestions and see what I can implement.

Again thank you for all your help, and I hope you enjoyed the game!

(1 edit)

Thank you for posting your feedback; my apologies on the delay for my response.

You are right! There is a weird bug with the auto-save, even if you disable it in the options menu. I'll take a look into it. I will also swap the auto-save slot from slot 1 as I am getting several bug reports regarding it. This is a bad one, and I'm sorry for the trouble it has caused you.

I am also fixing the Rand blocking the door bug in the Arena, as well as warp areas in the Eva houses.

There appears to be a bug where the buff is not applying to new party members for Light Exp boost. Fixing it now.

Modifying how Petrify works to prevent soft-locks.

Again, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to play the game and report the bugs and feedback!

Several people asked about posting reviews. Feel free to post here!

I greatly appreciate you giving me more feedback and suggestions.  They are not exhausting at all, as a Breath of Fire fan I understand that compassion and fire for these games. My goal is to make the best version that I can that does the series credit, and is enjoyable for everyone to play. The only way to do that is get feedback and suggestions to make it so.  Although I must admit when I think I squashed the bugs they keep reappearing! 

I will go through these and get some more bugs squashed and tweaks made. I will also go through your questions and respond. 

Again, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to help me make this game better.

Thank you! Mind Hack (and other Lightning Damage Abilities) actually use a randomized damage meter. They can either do the lowest damage in the game or the highest damage in the game. I'll look into some balancing if the randomizer and buffer is too skewed.

The shamans worked in earlier versions, let me check and see what is causing the issue.

I'll recheck what Joker's hideout is doing with the save system.

Perfect timing! I just finished up a majority of 4.0 fixes and upgrades. Going through the post now and fixing the bugs and checking out some of the suggestions. I greatly appreciate all your theory crafting and ideas, I got them saved as I am starting work on remastering BOF 1 soon and trying to work to tie these two games together in a cohesive piece! 

I greatly appreciate all the theorycrafting and lore. As I'm adding content and reworking the trees and character kits it will be a great help! I am definitely wanting to give each character their niche in the group and allow a greater customization for different playstyles and character preferences. 

Added Following Fixes for patch 4.0:

- Fixed the triggering bug for Rand.

- Rebalanced Goo A.I.

- Party now heals after battle. I've been debating on this addition for a while, and think it would be modern to add it in.

- Can you elaborate on the Thieves Den?

- Working on Camp system where party collects items for you as well to help with low quantity and backtracking. Also each character will have an ability that grants access to special items or abilities.

- Each hunting area gives you different meats which allows you to craft different potions. I'll get invisible walls fixed.

- I switched up plugins for the victory ending why it is different than the original trailer. 

- Monsters now drop "Treasure/Junk" that can be sold to merchants for additional money. Zenny cost on cooking removed.

- Cooked meals now heal a % instead of flat amount. Added a cooked meal that will revive a fallen comrade.

- Joker's Hideout rebalanced.

- Crescent Phoenix is supposed to cancel and absorb the next enemy spell cast.

- Runes and Crests were retweaked due to a % bug that gave infinite Attributes.

- Aspara's boss actually levels with you.Deis will now have a level check before she joins.

- I love the ideas with Yua, and I'm thinking the boomerang would be a great throw back to BOF 1 and would fit her personality/style. I'm going to tweak and play around with a few things for her kit. Really good ideas.

- I am currently working on the Dark and Light tree. I'm adding the morality points in that give you skills for those two trees, in addition to the normal Dragon Shards you earn.

- Fixed bookshelf in Ryu room and double checked all the shops as some had a bad condition check.

- The HR fight is not a game over fight. It is set as a level and equipment check  before you do the arena.

- Rural Cabins now are linked correctly.

- Will look at Deis sprite.

- The Highland area is going to be a full content dungeon patch in later version. I'm really wanting to give it the scale that it deserve. I am still debating on what to add, but most likely will do some more areas especially as I start making the BOF I sprites.

Thank you for your kind words! Really excited about 4.0 patch. It going to be a good one.

I fixed the gems and crystals, but completely forgot about the runes. Basically adding % to Attributes, Health or Mana increases it by that much but unequipping it removes the % but the difference boost % stays and that is what is causing the exponential addition. Will get that fixed.

I'll get Wyndian shops fixed.

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Great idea about the bog. Added monster encounter in with frogs.

Nimfu’s tower not having monsters is actually a design choice as I wanted to have at least 1 puzzle dungeon in the game where the challenge was solving the puzzles floor to floor vs monsters.

Also, I am impressed and find it refreshing that someone else knows the game so well. The original reason why I stuck with zombie sprite is the size difference in some of the monster sprites. I was afraid it would look to off-putting. Like the gonghead, roach, zombie, and even lizard. I’m going to look into updating the monster sprites. I’m actually working on sprites for my BOF 1 game, and I know it has a lot of monster ones as well so I can see what will work there.

The camp and cooking idea is a good one as most BOF games use it. I guess I’ve been holding back because I eventually want to rework it as I want every character to have romance/dialogue scene like Katt/Lin. Having each character contribute in someway is also a good idea.

Going to revamp Save a bit to fix the bug that is occurring, as well soft locking on multi-stage boss fights.

Regarding Dragons: The whelps are single target dps, while the adult forms are aoe. The damage modifiers are a bit different, but I do like the idea of adding other Abilities like “Claw” to each form. I do like the idea of specializing in one type of dragon vs all. 

Thank you for such an in-depth bug report and suggestions. I know I didn’t address every suggestion, but I read them all and am sorting through them. I really like all the ideas that you are throwing out here and will play around with them to see how they feel. A lot of these are really good quality of life changes. I’m going to work on the game today and get a new patch released this week (I hope) as next week as work will be keeping me busy until the weekend.

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I am glad you like the Wyrm Guard tree, I was curious if anyone would go down that tree as I predicted most would stick to the Ranger or Brood tree. I am also glad the overall response for the tree additions have been positive.

The original idea was to use the BOF spell animations; however, ripping them was a nightmare, and most of the graphics were unusable from the cutting floor (where I also ripped them). The stock Rpgmaker graphics have a bit of a stigma about them because they are overused, so I tried to use a animation set that I was higher quality and wasn't overused. Also I kinda blame Pixel Remaster games on steam because I was playing them at the time and they did something similar.

It is a good question. Go into your menu and click the Formation button and keep pushing left or right to see your entire party. The first 4 slots are the characters that will be shown on the map walking and you will be fighting with.

Thank you for his report; I will respond shortly as work has crept on me this week/weekend.  Just didn't want you to think I forgot about your report! :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for this report. There is a bug where Slot 1 (Auto-Save) becomes corrupted when you game over as a dragon (I'm thinking). Just delete the slot 1 in the folder until I can figure it out and patch it.

Btw I greatly appreciate you reporting all these bugs and suggestions. There are some really good ones in here that I need to look into.

Fixed the shop. It should only be accessible by Jean.

Tweaked R-66Y’s Defenses, they were the highest in the arena.

Added monsters to Haunted House in Havenshire.

Fixed Rand’s Sacred heart ability. There was a conflict with HP gauges. Now using Sacred Heart will scan the enemy for you giving you all its Attributes, strengths, and weaknesses. It now also removes Stealth and Vanish from an enemy.

Stealth and Vanish are set to have a % to use every 2-3 rounds.

I did add “Injured” sprite changes to almost all the sprites when they are low on Health.  It would be a good throw back to Breath of Fire I to have it do different things when certain enemies are low.

Regarding the sprites, BOF II has limited monster sprites; however, could look into other BOF assets.

I was torn on the max counter per instance area and hopefully will get more feedback on what people prefer. I think you are right though that Mt. and Tunlan body used that as a mechanic.

Readded Guard back between Ability and Item. It actually was removed because 1.0 screen size was 800x600 and the menu only had room for 4 slots (Attack, Ability, Special, and Item).  Since the game’s battle has been overhauled that issue has been resolved.

I will reevaluate the experience gained throughout the game. You do level at an insane rate.

Reviewed and increased most bosses’ Health based at where you are in the game.

Really like the idea of the Dark Dragon/Solo skill tree.  There is actually an ending where you recruit no one. It is just you and Bosch facing the world.

Added a few Oils that you can craft/cook at stove for weapon affinity and debuffs.

Reworking boss fight scenes for a more streamlined experience vs random. This should keep them from spamming the same move over and over.  Also, all bosses now enrage on the 10th Round of battle.

I’ll release 3.2 here in a bit. Again I appreciate all your feedback and reports!

I see what is causing the Save Bug. When saving at the statue it overwrites whichever setting you have chosen. I’ll have to fix that; not saving at the statue will bypass bug.

Will fix eye goo soft lock. Didn’t even think about 0 damage not waking you up.

Will tweak Bunyan’s A.I.

Getting thrown out of the house by the guards lowers your Havenshire reputation each time you do it. The people yelling at you for trespassing was kind of a throwback to BOF 1 (that one fancy house) and other rpgs where you can get in trouble for rifling through stuff.

90% of all the chests use a random loot table for your item. You are right about the Yum-Yum sauce cost. Will update that.

I will look into getting those separated out.

Bosch’s auto-crossbow is difficult to balance because it is so good. I might revisit his spell kit and build around his auto-crossbow.

Really love your insights on the different characters and suggestions. I do want to revisit the dialogue and character development once I got most of the bugs squashed and balance done. Is difficult to switch gears to writing vs essential game fixes.

Idea with Barubary is starts out small and is devouring powerful entities to “fuel his evolution.” Not to spoil anything there is a reveal with him (although I need to double check sprite size).

I greatly appreciate your kind words and taking the time for such an extensive bug and suggestion list! It is the best way for me to improve upon the game.

Looking back, I think you are right about making Yua a party member vs Nixie. The original idea was I liked the romance hints from the original game between Nimfu and Jean; however, the relationship was so toxic I wanted to do something a bit different. This is a change I definitely will be looking at next patch.

I am glad you enjoyed the party banter; I am hoping to add more dialogue between characters. I will also look into fixing the issue where moving from map to map cancels the dialogue.  I did shorten some quest lines and streamline dungeons for a more fun experience without going through mazes and encounters every 3 steps.

There should be 3 carpenters and you get to choose 1 for your style of town. Once chosen, the other two should be unavailable. The walking on walls and invisible walls is where a lot of my time is spent trying to squash them. This one is on me as I should have organized my tilesets more efficiently.


The Great Bird Quest has two solutions. The first is you refuse Mina to join you and you don't have enough love from Nina for her to join. Mina will then steal the seal at night time (cut-scene) and turn to the great bird. If you let Mina join you go into the dungeon and Nina gains the power to transform at will.  Use the Shift Key to call the bird and move down 1 square and hit enter to board it.  While Rand ball and Jean frog works great, the Great Bird has been giving me grief to get it to work 100%.  I will look at the Mina tower triggering when it isn't supposed to.

Spoiler End

If you are getting the Ryu.img error, go into your game folder and delete the auto-save slot (Slot 1). This is a weird error been getting reported and keeps popping up randomly and appears to be linked to the dragon transformation and dying.

I will work on a guide/walkthrough for the next patch for sure because there are quite a bit of changes and things happening not clearly explained in the game.

Regarding the encounter rate I think turning off random encounters is a more modern approach, but I left it in in case people wanted the OG experience of walking and battling. I need to look at some of the level tweaking and experience gains. Also on this patch all gems and crystals do flat amount boost vs % boost. I do believe I left the Shamans unchanged, so I will need to look into that. Honestly the balancing of the game is where I need to focus more on as I didn't have any testers this patch to try all the different builds out.

Regarding skill trees, I wanted to get feedback if people enjoyed it and wanted to see it expanded to other characters. I might have gone overboard with the customization, but I really tried to make every character viable so it was the person's choice to play the characters they wanted. Nixie's curse ability prevents healing on monsters. Basically it creates a bubble (around 3,000 HP). When an enemy is healed it instead applied to the bubble instead of their health bar. Once the bubble hits 0 it breaks and they can be healed again.

Again, I greatly appreciate all your feedback and bug reports!

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I appreciate your reports.

Um, that is a special butterfly. Not sure how it got there!

Den of evil and few of the other monster infested areas are empty if you disabled random encounters.

I left the Ranger's Guild quests as repeatable because you can earn reputation at that city. Other cities you earn reputation through the main or side quest lines. The reputation is used later to purchase end game items.

Thank you for warp and earth dragon bug.

Thank you about the typo and bug reporting.  Will look into save bug.

Thank you for the bug report and your kind words. 

Yes, the Dual Blade and Triad blade are supposed to replace the attack button with a new attack button not create/delete multiple ones.

Please post all bugs here for 3.0.

Bought my copy to support you all. 

No worries! I'm almost done with my game, and this was the last graphic pack I needed. ^_^

No download link available.

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I had several worries about the setup and how it would function in game. I have to say I was blown away how easy the setup was, and how easy it is to use. Anyone that has any doubts, it is worth the price for the amount of time that it saves from doing maps by hand.