A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →
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Turns off??? Damn…. I am running it on weaker system and it kinda works (on potato settings at least)
We will optimize it later, once we figure out all the systems. We can’t do it now, because we are changing too much every week and optimizing it just to scrap it all next week would be a waste of time. But yes, we will do it soon
Hi! I am posting change log here
I will write new one in several minuetes.
Actually we usually have more updates every week (: now I am just making small adjustments.
There will be a REALLY HUGE ONE in couple of weeks. Until then I only upload minor tweaks and bug fixes.
Also I strongly advice everyone to use itch app to get our patches and updates, because we are making them frequently, and you probably don`t waht to download the whole game every time (:
Ye, we know, finishing the opponents is not the most handy thing rn... but, believe me, it's better, than it was before))) and it will get even better.
Try swinging up -down. Also try holding alt and stabbing with down - up motion.. or also you can try double clicking and holding to stab (: