there is a hint about it in the nearby room with dolls!
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the ending depends on lvl and on your decision to save/ not save your party members before the last battle.
A: get lvl over 150
B : get lvl over 15, save the party
C: get lvl over 15, do not save the party(has an option for girls only)
D: get lvl below 15, save the party
E: get lvl below 15, do not save the party
key 07 is still in that mansion, just in another room, you still can find it in there.
I’ll think about adding the skip option :)
If you want to open that safe there are some steps in early game must be done. 1. You need to help rebels. 2. You need to let the theives guild leader to go from jail. Then you will have open vault door and a Rugald at courtyard party. After - you can find the 4 animal mosaic in the castle - and open the safe. If you give a letter from safe to Rugald - you will help Rosalind to become the new duchess.
Hey thanks for the cool feedback, glad you liked the game! I think I will finish this one in a few months and will do some cyberpunk in the same style - I'm actually played a bit with mechanics in RPG maker to test a better battlef*ck system, so it will be a bit diffrent and maybe more engaging in combat.