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OK. Then unfortunately I can't say what the problem is. Maybe another user can test it. please try the version uploaded today. This has been tested under 1.3 under Winuae and on the original amiga 500 (also 1.3) and now works perfectly for me. It also works under 3.1 (winuae), but without the initial images. I replaced libraries so that it works perfectly under 1.3 and will have to use them again for 3.1 later.
Hello Primax,
thanks for asking. Does it not start for you at all? I tested it with Winuae (Kickstart 3.1 with Amiga 1200 configuration). It ist Autobooting (I have not tested if it also works from hard drive).
First comes the "Icefighters Logo with Tiger". Then the "Thorin Art" Image.
When the "Thorin Art" image appears, you have to press fire button, then you start in level 3. Please write to me if it works for you. Best regards