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A member registered Sep 24, 2022

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its working now idk why it wasnt before

(1 edit)

thats how im doing this i will try redownloading the files

what should i use then?

(1 edit)

i cant open up the files for some reason it just says its invalid
i tried extracting it and it says that there is nothing in the files

theres a holy headpat where you pet jimmy

can you still get the latest update gallery

not updated yet or wont be

why do it gotta be censored

i hope im not bugging you do much when i ask this but do you know when zip instead of rar will be out?

and out of pure curiosity do you have a estimated time when the zip file will be out 

usually with these types of games you would make a quick save and download the newer one it should still be there

 is the snowy season thing a activatable event or is it in the story line

nooo i cant play it will it ever be on zip instead of rar?

what is the code for strip chess i cant find like half the numbers

when does hana go in the kitchen

so will there be a christmas event or no?

i dont know if its just me but i cant ever find jessica at the front door

how do you change the outfit

i cant open it?

is it possible to get "scenes" with tara

how do you get h scenes i dont understand