Appreciate it! I just looked but I'm not seeing the friend request
A member registered 28 days ago
Recent community posts Community » Game Development » Help Wanted or Offered · Posted in Building studio - seeking all roles (volunteer/rev share to start)
Hey! I'm interested in your studio/games and I'm looking to get into working on games, and I think I could be of help! I'm a writer/artist and looking to get into things such as coding as well. I don't have a set up "portfolio" but I'm happy to share my work with you in DM.
Really interested in the style of your Lorrenz Fries game. I've barely started the demo but I think the gameplay and visuals are so interesting!
Here's my discord if you want to DM me: kojimusa.
(It does have the period in the username at the end-- let me know if you can't find it!)