damage? where?
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it's literally not even a full scene, just a dream with a bit of sexy talk before MC wakes up.
also there's a setting to go for a "soft" route with no NTR, so grow a better pair of balls or play the soft route. hyper-reactionary negative attitudes like this is why people like you get cucked in the first place, chad bitch-sexers don't worry about stuff like that they just sex up more bitches.
no it isn't immediate, you've got to wait for certain day scenes to occur to trigger for most of the stuff in there. then there are some which require x amount of compliments, which you can get in particular scenes or in some lewd situations in Roya (that's near the end of current content though). you also have to bounce around between rooms and unlocks.
focus on unlocking all the crystals first so you have access to all the rooms, after that there will almost always be something you can do to progress. don't focus too much in one spot because you'll get soft-locked.
would be nice if someone wrote up a diagram of what unlocks which scenes, which unlock which other changes, etc. we dont quite need it yet though, just play on the easy mode so you don't have to worry about a game over through too much corruption and you can casually explore Roya and grind the changes out and get a better feel for how stuff balances out.
rose's relationship has to drop to like... 30 i think. do all the mental changes involving books and get aura to start bullying her library friends for being ugly/lazy/etc, Aura and Rose start falling out, and then after Rose becomes even more suspicious of the brainwashing Richard shows up and starts leading her on.
Most of them require other changes first, as well as compliments/daytime scenes. Some of them get upgraded after even more requirements. Each one should tell you what is needed when you go to interact. Eventually you'll reach a point where things are labeled "Not Implemented" or the makeup one which tells you you've completed as much as you can.
If you can't interact at all with the tables and spiderwebbed objects, there's an issue, because you can interact with everything except the walls in that room.
When trying to clear the sailor's debt in Nephlune, I caught the cheater, then reloaded a save to try winning it by gambling (also for the loss exhibitionism).
This time I won the final stretch with a 6-6-6 for triple winnings, and he now has -850 debt and yet continues to sit there and complain that he has -850 debt left to pay. I can't play another round because I already "won" and the option to pay off his debt is greyed out for being negative.
less serious bug: after strip-losing, and rejoining the table to play again, Aura's model begins nude and then resets to fully armored partway in.
The table clears out just fine after catching the cheating dealer, I haven't tried just flatly paying the debt instead of gambling yet. And this was the linux version installed via the itch app.
with decent charisma and the perk to heal when you eat cum, you can skate by early game by dropping to your knees. if you're careful you can get enough exp to buff up combat stats.
honestly you can dump strength if you go with agi and end; then you'll never half to worry about stamina and poise in combat, use backsteps and ripostes to trip up enemies and then kick/teabag them while they're down.
Art is phenomenal, animations (mainly facial expressions) and combat UI are almost there; working the lore in (and having the lore in the first place) was done really well, even just with this little intro section I can feel the depth this is aiming for.
This drew me in and getting to the end and having it jumped back to main menu confused the hell out of me for a bit I was so caught up in that scene.