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Cheops' Law Productions

A member registered Jan 11, 2022

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Nope, it's just taking forever. We've just started testing the first build of chapter 1. That sounds encouraging, I know, but the way things have been going, I'm not optimistic about having a release quickly. Still, we ARE making progress.  Thanks for asking!

Working on it! We have about 40 renders and 3 or 4 animations to go, plus testing. Still no estimated release date. 

No estimated date yet, but the renders and animations are about 3/4 done, so progress is happening. Still, I'd be surprised if we managed to get it out within the next two months. Thanks for asking.

It's a trainer style of game, but it will not have the style choices of the Pinktea games. There will be a selection of punishments, that will, of course, grow over time, but they will all be punishments, with slightly different effects. Also, there won't be the same sorts of limitations on sexual activity.

One thing we're introducing in chapter 1 is that you can select an overall path--hard or soft. This will not change the training, it will change what the training means. In other words, on the soft path, this is a couple doing a long abduction slave-training scene after having agreed on it (starting with the Vicky monologue that's already part of the prologue)--the hard path will be just what it looks like: no consent. Both paths will be identical except for a couple of moments in the soft path where they check in with each other and talk about what's going on.

Ultimately, both paths end in True Love because I'm into that. :)

I hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking.

As is usual for noob devs, I totally underestimated how long the renders would take. In part, our artist got hit with some unexpected events that have delayed him, but mostly it was just me being overly optimistic. At this point, I'm thinking maybe we'll have the rendering done in a month, and then we start testing. Maybe.

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Thanks for asking. About 100 renders and 3 animations so far, which puts us over halfway on the renders, and I think about a quarter of the way on animations. After that, there's testing, and god knows how long that will take. But the renders are coming at a pretty good pace right now, so I'm hopeful it won't be too awfully long.

ETA: Um...that's 100 renders, not 1000 as I originally posted. I must give my typing fingers a good talking-to.)

After months of failing to find an artist to join the team, I've broken down and am paying for the rendering. Today it started, and we got our first couple of renders done.  How long? I suspect the renders and the animations will be done in 2-3 weeks, and then we'll have to test it with the code (already written, but untested). How long that will take, I hesitate to guess; could be me a matter of days, or could be weeks.

Thanks for asking.

No reason to feel guilty for any fantasy, ever, in my opinion. So long as it remains a fantasy!  Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying it.

We hope to, yes.

May I jump in? In my opinion, we cannot control how we're wired, just what we do about it. A lot of things squick me, including incest, sexualizing children, and so on. But things just as bad are turn-ons for me--rape, for example. I believe that as long we understand the hard line between fantasy and reality, and stick to the fantasy, we are doing no harm.  Calling someone evil for how the person is wired is how the lines get blurred--that's why we keep reading about right-wing Christian fundamentalists being caught with underage prostitutes. To them, the *desire* is evil, so actually doing something about it is just a little further along the line.

I've met people in the kink community who are attracted to children, and who play with other adults who pretend to be children, or read comics, or stories. I admire them for finding outlets for their desires that don't hurt anyone.

So, yeah, rather than games like this being part of the problem, I believe they are part of the solution.

Hope you don't mind my two cents worth.

That's one I hadn't even thought of until someone here suggested it. It's an intriguing idea, so it's possible. Don't want to promise though.

Thank you!

Thanks kindly!

Got it. Thanks. Someone on F95 actually went ahead and made an Android port, which I think is so cool! If you look for The Sapphire Collar on F95, you should find it; I think there's only the one thread.

Wow. Someone on F95 just went ahead and did an Android port. I can't quite parse how to download it, but I'll be you could. It's on page 3 of the discussion of the game.

I'll talk to HeroNameSir, the programmer on the team; I'll bet he knows.

Damn. I have no idea what joiplay is. I think I've outed myself as a total noob, but I'd like to know.

Thank you!

Woah! I hadn't even thought of that! Possibly.

I'm pretty sure we can do at least one or the other. I'll check into it. Thanks for asking.

Thanks kindly. It means a lot that the first comment we get is positive. But, full disclosure, I'm afraid there won't be any pregnancy--just not one of my kinks. I'm sorry.

Lawl. Well played, sir. Since I get the sense that you've been dealing with this since the game started, it makes sense that'd you'd know about it.

I like the game a lot. Just want to mention, you keep using the word "since" when you mean "sense." 

Yes! The trick is hitting all the +romance options, including starting out selecting romance as your first attribute.

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Do a standard private punishment and the conversation should just happen if you've done the one before it.

I've now done 6 play-throughs, and I literally cried every time at, well, you know where. I had not been expecting catharsis in a god damn visual novel. So very, very well done.

The replay menu! Got it! Thanks! 

Okay, now I feel like an idiot. I can't seem to find the event log.

Is there any way to get Act 4 other than Patreon? I'd be happy to pay for it--I paid for act 2 and 3 on Steam. it's a fun game. But I can't do Patreon.

Thank you!

She's my fave too. :-) I'd save her for last.

You know, with a story this beautiful and powerful, it seems somehow wrong to ask for help with gameplay details. But I'm going to anyway. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get Lexi >= 20 by the time the "Aww, they got all the best beds" option comes up in chapter 3, or how to get the PIN for Robin's dildo in chapter 4. Any help?

Yes, I like spanking, d/s, and schoolgirls. But I think what makes me a real sicko is how fascinating I find stuff like this. Thanks!

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It's really interesting how those words hit us, isn't it? I have almost the exact opposite reaction--for me, "panties" has somehow acquired an undertone of something a child would wear, which always makes me a little bit uncomfortable, whereas "knickers" is hot.  Not saying you're wrong, just that it's strange how people pick up different senses with words. 

Yeah, I did that.  Guess I can make another in the same place.

I created an account just to be able to log on and say this game is an utter delight.  It makes me laugh, it makes me eager to follow the story, and, yes, it's hot AF.  Imagining the amount of work that went into this--the writing and the artwork--humbles me.  Like everyone else, I can't wait for the new release: thousands of hours of your work that I will consume in a few hours and then be crying for the NEXT release. But I guess that's what happens when you do good work.

For various reasons, I can't support your Patreon. Is there another easy way to kick some money your way?