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A member registered Nov 22, 2018

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Thank you for recommendations! You really opened me to COG titles.

My personal favourites:

Wayhaven Chronicles (yay, there are two parts to this incredible series as of now)

Fallen Hero: Rebirth (a superhero setting; the romance is so, so good if you love angst and pining)

Tally Ho
(a Woodhouse-inspired setting; the romance is scarce in comparison with the previous two titles, but very sweet and funny nonetheless)

SLAMMED! (a pro wrestling setting. no, really! the writing is very engaging. however, please take into consideration that if you want to play as a cis-gendered heterosexual woman, as in most otome, you'll have one love interest to choose from)

Choice of the Deathless (a Ace Attorney-like setting with literal demons. the writing is kind of psychedelic, but I liked it. the romance is very cute)

All of these games are both on COG website/app and on Steam. Considerably cheaper on Steam, though.

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The game’s chances to be released are still looking better than Winds of Winter ever seeing the light of day. Or the Doors of Stone, for that matter.

Somehow I manage to seek out media created by people apparently suffering from severe writing blocks and overall burnout, and fall in love with said media. Agashi’s tumblr headcanons and bits of information were (and still are, she’s just not active there) incredibly interesting and made me feel things for characters. It’s not even actual in-game writing, imagine how captivating would that be! (in its full, completed form -- judging also by the demo, which was great) Maybe it’s a part of the problem, all the expectations weighing down on writer’s shoulders.

I hope that Agashi and her team will overcome whatever difficulties they are facing and manage to come through. Since, ya know, it’s not just fans waiting, there is backers’ money involved.