Took me a while to figure out what was going on, but then I got it! Great experience.
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Hey, thanks so much for the feedback! It's so cool that so many of you played, wow!
Glad you enjoyed the game overall. And congratulations to the winner!
The detailed insights of the game's strengths and areas for improvement are incredibly helpful.
I especially see the need for clearer objectives and improvement of the pacing for improving the core mechanics of the game but also the other points concerning minor annoyances and the overall game readability...
Thanks again, and I wish you all the best for your workshop.
I really like this prototype and I think it is very unique. At least I have never seen this concept before.
I am aware that this is a prototype at a very early stage - I think it has a lot of potential for additional extension. You could start the game out with fewer directions (2 instead of 4) or the number of segments a piece consists of, just to name a few ideas.
One thing I noticed while playing was that by intuition I did not expect the arrow keys to move the blocks right away. Instead I was expecting the arrow keys to only set the direction and afterwards requiring a confirmation (for instance the Space key) to be moved eventually. I was hit by surprise a few times when the arrow key immediately moved my piece. But this might just be me...
Generally, great concept!
Hello everybody
I would like to request some feedback for my game:
The game is about playing a bottle of liquor, destroying fruits, becoming stronger in the process and making it to the end.
The reason I am posting here is that I have the impression that the game does not feel polished at some places, but I cannot quite put my finger on what it is... Also, I am wondering how fun the game is - as its creator, for me it is very difficult to judge.
You are very welcome to provide any feedback, but below aspects would interest me especially:
- Where could the game be more polished?
- When you stopped playing, what made you want to stop instead of continuing?
Here are some screenshots:
Looking forward to reading your feedback.