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A member registered Apr 27, 2016

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Love the creativity SaruPro! Keep it up! Will definitely be buying the final release!

Well I hope you continue that dream. I'll give it a playthrough myself and let you know how it is. Overall from the discussion I've gathered, it might sound like a great romp! (Bought this from the Vday 2025 bundle.)

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I accidentally found you via searching Hamster corporation (Surprise Attack arcade game) via steam. I hope you do continue your dream and it becomes a reality. Here's wishing you the best. Do you have a prologue available to download?

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I see. Not a lot of people (speaking for myself) are physical collectors. But hey if you do digital by all means I'll throw money your way to send support to make more games like this, so maybe, you can be the next Shovel Knight dev. Your call on that, but I'll be happy to send "support" your way. (Just saw an email from Prim Ed games so cross google'd to get here.)

Well I'll support you no matter what. You not asking is even better because it makes me feel more accomplished that I did something for someone. Again we all want a new retake on BoF starting from 1 to 4. Capcom knows this and I'm sure 'one day' they'll give it to us like SquareEnix with DQ3 2.5HD

Thank you! Can't wait to see it in action. If you can get that guy who does Hand Drawn Guides to work with you it'd be even better!

Could you write up a guide? Weapons, tricks of the trade and hints? People like me work hard jobs that take up too much of my time (read: 12 hour shifts) so anything that can help me (us, etc) with the limited time we have, would be great! Cheers to you!

I ran upon this via Davidvinc RPG's Youtube RPG report, so I chunked you some money for just doing an awesome job. I do hope the 2.5HD version gets done soon and I also hope, and really hope that "he-who-shall-not-be-named" will come at you with a "C&D" but in that case, you say "Me no speak English." And they'd ask what language do you speak in? "Russian." *laughs*

Congrats again and hope to play the 2.5HD soon!

(as the below commenter asked) Yes! I was just going to ask that. Please make a colored version! And demake the rest of the them if you get time!

I read Sweetest Monster and absolutely loved Bell. But now that I know that there is a prequel and an aftermath? You bet your ass I'll be buying this in the future and updating my thoughts after I read both.

Hey I found your game on Steam for a postpunk RPG. Love it, wanna buy it since it's on sale but not sure if I'll have the $ to do so. Anyway do you know or can find a way to upload the OST (full) to here or link the person who did the music on here so I can purchase it later? 

Thanks again and sending lots of love your way (to hope for a sequel)!

Yeah kinda sucks without the actor, but I wish you the best in a new replacement and continuation of this game!

Would you ever remake or find a way to re-engineer the Zeebo version of DD? That was a miss for ALL DD fans alike!

I saw this on Hack Games Longplay! I thought it was interesting! I wish you all the best and hope one day when your skills get better that you'll remake this game using the same ideas and improve upon the story!

I will definitely do that! 

I love you so much. Yes, I know it sucks but if you have a ko-fi I'll at least throw you a few cups of coffee?

Thank you! Yeah I don't have a lot of time to sit there and enjoy things #adulting #firstworldproblems etc. You know how it is.

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Congrats! By the way will you put a walkthrough etc if people don't have a lot of time to play these games?

I was kinda hoping it'd go "The Ring" for a moment.

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Been there done that. Shitty people like that exist. I too, gave up games I've collected since 2011. And that anger has been with me since (even now) looking at people collecting games for an investment.

You probably know me as Jaquo. But that's here nor there.

ANYWAY, that being said. When you hit rock bottom the only way is up. Keep your head up. The challenges only starts now, and as long as you do not give up your dream, things will get better!

And one day you'll be as extremely tough as leather and unbreakable!

Congrats on the release of episode 2! Don't worry in time things will work out but I will buy this on either or steam to support you! Again congrats!

That's fine. I truly understand you want your baby project to be completed. When you do become free please do let me know. I will pay you a handsome sum as long as you're willing to work and make it possible. However my expecations is pretty high. Anyway I can't wait to play this game one day!

Hey I wanted to tell you thank you for the follow and I hope your game turns out great! Question to you do you think I could ever commission you to make me a gameboy/nes style game in the future?

Enjoyed the romp. Good history. Had my old nick nuked too. Fun times. Keep smiling Autumn Rain, things will get better. Never hold onto the bad only the good.

Can't wait!

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Prob would be best to rename it because Crystal Story has been out for ages. That's like the Tom Clancy: Outbreak (right when COVID hits) and or Immortals Fenyx Rising (originally known as Gods and Monsters). 

I'm not saying your idea is bad, but it would help if you talk to the original creator and bounce back some ideas or just come up with a new name so it doesn't reflect like it's an origin story.

Edit: Anyway it's your game, your dream, do whatever you think is best and i'll be there to support/play at the end!

Topic. Just curious, because the name couldn't of been a coincidence. 

nice! looked great! really liked the animation and characters!

I feel you. Working in retail at this specific area it is literally like groundhog day. Customers are stupid, vendors are equally stupid. And anyone you come in contact with doesn't know their head from their ass. But you know what. You try, and you try again, and you try again, till your fist is bloody. You will break through that wall, and the next wall and the next wall after that.

Never. Ever. Give up.

Nice project! Definitely giving you a follow! I hope it comes to full completion!

Hang in there! Wish you the best! I'll prob patreon a low tier but yes keep pushing forward!

Keep pushing forward! I know that KS is not going well but I will be cheering on! (By the way your comic links aren't loading... could you fix that?)

Yes, that's what I was asking, and I'd say "English is not my first language...." but that's a damn lie. Anyway I'll still be cheering you on!

These edits... Do they get posted into the newest version of your release? If so "thank you!"

woot! glad things are going well for you!

Woot~! Keep it up!

Can't wait! So is the first episode completely done?

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Woot! Can't wait! (Thought it was an release already!)

I'll be here cheering you on!