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A member registered Aug 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Played your demo on stream and I thought it was really good! I loved the art style and movie aesthetic. The box also a very unique personality. I hope you continue the game! 

Just finished this game on stream and I loved it! You never fail to put out banger games. I'm glad I played Cemetery Mary before this game released otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the references. I am curious, what timeline does Blackout Hospital takes place? 


I thought maybe it was after Cemetery Mary but Vasilis didn't appear to be with Crowven near the end and didn't know who Mary was. But then Mary also called Reginald by the nickname she gave him, so I'm confused on whether its a separate timeline or if it takes place after.


I played your game on my channel. Thought it was good. Really loved the artstyle. Hope you continue to make more! 

Hello, I've started playing your game on my channel. I'm really loving it so far. I love the artstyle and I think the music choices are really good! I'm always a fan of good music in games. I'm not finished with the game yet, but I really love the overall vibe of it. Hope you continue to make more awesome games! 

Hello! I played your game on my channel. I really enjoyed it! Loved every second of it. Thanks for making such a cool game! Been wanting to feed my RPG Maker fix for a while. 

Hello! I played your demo on my channel! Think it looks really promising so far! 

Hello! I started to play your game on my channel. I missed out on the Kickstarter, which was a shame, but I really love the whole vibe of the game. The artstyle is really lovely and the music just fits perfectly. Not sure if I'll be able to play the full release, but I hope to see more from you guys! This game really is a gem. 

Hello, I played your game on my channel! The last part will go up tomorrow, but I thought it was an interesting game. The assets were really nice, and I enjoyed it overall. 

Hello! I started playing your game on my channel! Really like the vibe of it so far! 

Hello! I played your demo on my channel. It took me some time to realize the puzzles, but I eventually got it! Playing this really gave me nostalgia of other rpg horror games I've played in the past. Can't wait to see more of the game when it is fully released! 

Hello! I'm currently playing your game on my channel. I love the vibe and art style, especially the whole VHS theme.