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A member registered Apr 25, 2024

Recent community posts

Thanks for the encouragement. I hope I'll be like you (and that drummer) with an ever-young-never-compromise mentality. Worrying all the time won't change anything, and I'll start acting on it right away. Thanks again!

Thanks for the advice. I don't make games to make money or become famous, I just want to express my ideas/inspiration/fantasies in this way, and despite being very picky, I enjoy playing games, although I don't know if you know the term “Cyber ED” (not suitable for direct translations in public), on my side of the community an internet buzzword that refers to life stress or some other environmental issue related to the player's own psychology that prevents them from enjoying the game properly. Even so, I focus most of my energy on the game and related social circles.

PS: I'm aware of those things happening in unity3d, I'll keep an eye on the situation.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Regarding developer communities for my language, limited to the developer communities I've found so far, many of them are closed (limited to their own teams or a few fans and supporters), some of the open forums or BBSs are full of recruiting announcements without a place for discussion, and newcomers asking questions could potentially be viewed as beggars unwilling to make the effort on their own, of course I hope it's just that I haven't found the right community.

I'll try to participate in JAM after I improve my technical skills, after all, I can never validate myself behind closed doors.

Regarding your warning, I once read in a post “If you want to develop indie games, don't think about making money, of course the game makes money and that's great, but the first thing you need to satisfy as an indie game developer is your desire to express yourself, you have an idea, so go ahead and do it. If it's just about making money why not go to work and make commercial games?” , so I want to do it for the sake of my desire to express myself, and I hope I can be persistent.

sorry about my poor english

I'm in a situation where I left my job due to labor violations at my former workplace, lawsuit related things will probably bother me for a few more months, and I'm currently without a job and income.

I want to make some games with(or without?) friends but don't know how to start, now I bought some u3d tutorial to learn about unity3d and programming with C#.

I've gotten a few online friends to form a small team, but I don't see any hope.

The current members are:

One person (me) who is learning unity3d, an amateur artist (a netizen who has done a few pixel drawings), a netizen who wants to learn arranging, a netizen who wants to learn 3D modeling, and a non-standard member (a college student who is better at programming than I am but doesn't get involved in the team's affairs, like an advisor or a spectator)

The only thing the team has discussed so far is what kind of game they want to make in the future, and I've given a few ideas of what I'd like to do, and the discussion has come to the conclusion that we should start with a few small projects or demos to get the team going.

Knowing the need and agreeing with it, I asked “for example?”. But the answer was only “We don't know.”

The plan for my daily life is to find a job that will cover my food and rent when the lawsuit is over, and make games in my spare time.

I always feel that the road ahead is confusing, and worry that it's all too late(for a guy near 30), or that I won't be able to find a job, or that I don't have the perseverance to pursue my dreams.

I think it's hard for me, but it's hard for everyone. It's always been hard.

I'm not trying to exude obnoxiousness everywhere, let's hope it's just occasionally this time ......