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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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i bet he will be back in 3 weeks

nah 70 be maining b2

does no one remember that b3 was the only bow i played



same here

(2 edits)

2500 kills isnt a lot btw so it's not rly a flex 

Ong good thing we quit

u js gotta experiment with the editing, and dont over think it. the more time u spend on a video the better it will be.

Even my editings better💀clips arnt very good, and I thought u left the community.

ok then deal with it and kill them, not that hard

yeah, hes alright, 

Why would u rage quit over a 1v3.

Stranger danger, idk u as well. Plus we arnt friends.

like bro some ppl get it worse then others 

Anyone else think sleekys ugly asf?


Thats so cap bro

(1 edit)

Everyone alr knows what they look like


he sits behind a computer roasting kids all day and playing n1 like wtf he on abt😂

U will find that everywhere in life buddy deal with it

Dont do it for free make them pay

Yes ur kds weird



Same. Dowent matter half those players don't play anymore

Do u do digital art?

(1 edit)

Oml bro everyones better then hyppo, and half of those players dont even play anymore lmao

np, gg havent played in 3 months lmao

bro i cant even get my skin into that thing💀😂

no its not. it depends on how goo you are at the game, sure there are better players then you, dosent mean u have to blame them. you just need to get better

woah that made me feel old

looks fine

hes the one blaming the players

(1 edit)

nice kd😂literally :confounded playing against noobs💀

dont blame the game blame the player (aka u)

i could do it js only in pencil, digital art style

thats not a lot

dang thats good

she has responded to all my posts💀