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A member registered Jun 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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It looks like magic!

Awesome, you are on fire dude!!!!

Not for now.

The code is a mess, I assure you that is not something worth seeing.

It would be nice.


Many thanks for playing it!!

Grazie mille e felice anno nuovo

So adictive!!

Yes sorry, is just a test.

Did you press the X button?

Thank you for the feedback.

I have to fight back with the randomness of the spawn of the items.

Love it!

Thank you!!!

Step by step. This one is going slowly 

muchas gracias!!

Llámame loco pero se me está ocurriendo hacer una revisión con la nueva versión del motor.

Sorry, I wanted to say that I have more sounds to share with you and I don't know how I can send them to you.

Any email to share with you more gifts?

Thank you Marc,

I appreciate it a lot that you downloaded it and I accept responsibility  for making it very easy to finish.

Love your comments!!

thank you again

Hello MinionSoft,

I'm glad you contacted me.

The answer to the first question: from what I notice, I'm old enough to learn enough to be able to finish this... I love Pico-8 and Lua, and every day I try to learn new things but finishing this seems like an impossible task. Just thinking about how to fly flies already gives me a headache.

Still, it doesn't matter if I finish it or not, you are totally free to use the sound effects or whatever you want. What's more, I would love for you to do it, since one of the reasons why I have started having fun with Pico-8 is because of people like you who do incredible jobs. A big greeting

Muchas gracias por tus comentarios SingletonJhon!!

un saludo

Thank you dude!!

Can you test if you can download the card?

It really makes me very ashamed

Absolute masterclass

thank you!!


This is my limit

Super addictive one!

Thank you for your support!!

Muuuuuchas gracias VidaExtraRetro, siempre un placer verte jugar!!!

Lo de la música, lo tengo en mente. Pero dudo en si poner cualquier musicota que me encuentre por ahí o si hacer algo yo mismo que encaje bien con el ambiente del juego aunque sea mas sencillo.

Y ahora mismo me pongo a retocar las instrucciones esas engañosas, que si... la araña es inmune :D

Un saludo y gracias por jugar!!

(2 edits)

Hi Titania,

Someone already warned me about that and I am very pleased for it.

You can email me

Thank you!!

thanks for the review!!

Thank you!!!

Grazie mille!!

Muchas gracias Arnau!!

mil gracias Toku.

Y te prometo que habrá versión con música 

You did it!!!!

Well done & thank you for playing it 

Thank you!!

And very nice playing, thank you.

Thank you for playing it!! It's an honor.

Muchas gracias, me lo pasé pipa viéndote jugarlo.

En breve espero publicar otra cosita y estaré encantado de ver como lo juegas!!

Un saludo!!

I truly appreciate it

Gracias, todo el mundo me dice que quizás es demasiado fácil, pero tampoco era mi intención hacerlo complicado, es mi primer intento de juego en Spectrum y eso se tiene que notar.

Me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado, pronto publicaré uno nuevo con el mismo motor.


Thank you for playing.

Something is in the way :D