I really like the idea of your game!
As mentioned by anyone else, I would suggest a little control over your movement while jumping.
I kind of feel like i'm frog-leaping everywhere xP
But i like the concept and the art of your game!
Really like the concept of the game!
I started Arctic Miner so many times, i must be rich in crypto by now :p
Maybe i could buy a watercooler with all that money xD
I also liked the touch, where it opens more then just one picture, such as the shifting of newly opened windows.
Gives the Impression I'm using the real Pengiun OS :D
I really like the idea of your game.
Your cat animation is great!
But for some reason, i find it hard to pounce on the mouse.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Do I have to be in a specific range to trigger the pounce?
A cool addition might be to sneak up on those mice - would love to see the animation! xP
Really nice level design! I like the idea of shooting ice to freeze the enemies, so you can step on them.
For some reason, my score is always shown in negative numbers. Sometimes it shows me
Failure Complete! On Game over screen xD
A tracker on how many orbs you've collected would be nice. Especially on later levels.
Overall its a solid platformer, with nice level design and cute graphics.
Enjoyed playing it.
I really liked the cutscene in the beginning, such as the concept and the atmosphere of the game.
I think you did really well to tell a story!
It was fun to play and ran very smooth.
I heard the indicator for survivors, but it was still a bit difficult to locate them at times.
Overall, I think you did a great job of implementing the theme and creating a fun game. I really wanted to find all the survivors to see what would happen :)