Still no android 🥲
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Well i also wants to but can't 🙂 because itch store doesn't take any payment in inr so still have to wait for the release 😮💨 of stream only if it have an android version+ inr payment accepted ( by the way how to get the save files because seriously I have completed game 2 times with full gallery but still not able to update game with saved data 🥲 so each time i have to play it again)
Well i have completed the game 🙂 ( yeh I still haven't buy the game well don't have patience pal or itch doesn't take inr as payment ). well as the next update is going to be the last so thank you very much🤧 for making such a good game for all platforms ( specially android ) so well i don't know after realising the last updated what will you do but pls try to work on a new project ( for all platforms ) well all the best for future i hope everything go as planned. Now see you after the release of last updated bye ❤️