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Krista Grace

A member registered Nov 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Alright, I experimented with holding different keys... and the apparently arrow keys work... when I am holding space, and only when I am holding space.

If this is what you intended, it's a bad experience. (I don't really think this is what you intended... though I don't know why you'd rather pretend that it is, vs acknowledging that something is broken. Whatever dawg! It's your game!)

Lovely - but too short! I mean that as a high compliment. I want more!! =)

I don't think the controls work right. The arrow keys don't work unless I also hammer space - and then, only some of the time.

Using time-skips as currency is a bit of brilliance - really lets players set the pace to either as relaxed, or as rushed, as I'd like it to be. Really great concept! I'll be coming back to this, I just know it :)

This is very cute - and very well done! The perfect length for the concept. I hope you make lots more games!

A really satisfying experience! Like a delicious little video game hors d'oeuvre, a tiny sample of a really fun concept. Well done!

I came here to say this - I wish I could start the challenges with the keyboard! Lovely game otherwise, had a blast playing it :)

The upgrades don't seem to do anything? I have 6 Hands and 1 Baker, and while it says I have 1.6 "DbPS", the number doesn't go up unless I click, and it only goes up by 1. Neat design and great start, but something's clearly gone wrong...

+1, same hat. Playing on Chrome, on a modern computer with good internet, but this lil browser game grinds to a halt within 15-20 minutes. Bummer!

This was really fun, and a good challenge- took me three attempts to beat. 10/10, well done!!

This is a really cool thing to do

I had a ton of fun with this, even with only a few levels - great job! I hope you make more :)

Chills, all up and down my spine! Fantastic :)

Neat little game!

The aesthetic is really cute! I kept falling through the first platform though - and even after noodling around in it for a while, I'm still not exactly sure what the goals are.

Quick-paced, neat concept!