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A member registered Jun 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Real good start with alot of potential. Love the artstyle and with more content i can see myself roaming the lands for long sessions. With as little content that is here, the quality is real high.

Since its a early build ill share my wishes for the game.

The movement felt great when alone, but was abit weird on collision. Specially on the buildings with alot of small colliders on the walls, like planks. 

I had a problem with the jumping when walking downhill. It only registered the jump once every 10ish times i pressed, so really inconsistent. 

I know its early so i dont expect a option menu, but i really prefer to not have smoothing on the camera, so i would love to see that togglable in later builds.

Would also love to see a unique feature that makes it stand out from the rest of action RPGs. The quality here is really high, so if you could find something unique to stand out it would be really cool.

Really fun demo and damn there are a lot of content for one level :D
Found the laserwatch real fun and abit strong, but havent gotten to all costumes yet. Really love the astetic and theme in the game. Loved the Agent costume and his lazerwatch is what kept me alive. Love all the small details like darts being spread in the room after a battle.

The only theme i didnt really understand was the skeleton having aoe projectiles, but everything else was amazing. Espescialy awesome was the death animations for the bosses.

One thing i notice is that when hugging the top and bottom walls, they often eat up the projectiles, both mine and enemies. I could stand still in a corner, or close to a bottom wall and the enemies never hit me.

Would also love to read what weapon the costums have before buying them. Felt abit blind about what costume to get next.

Totaly looking forward to your next youtube updates, and later releases. The quality of whats here is top notch, so i just want more content. And hopefully some hard to master mechanics to keep me playing 10++ hours.

Hey, and thanks for the good feedback.

I would love to add more bosses and levels to the game, so i will for sure tell people when i release an update. But i think starting over after you die is a learning experience and you get to try out diffrent powerups. 

I have never heard of GDWC but it sounds really interesting. I'll for sure check it out and see what it's about

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback. The goal is to kill the boss in each level, then a door opens to take you to the next. I maybe should add a bigger indicator to make it more clear. I also love the idea that the ghost will become transparant when entering walls. Will for sure add that to the game.