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A member registered Nov 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

This is the final.

The game went into a draft, soon everything will be back. I decided to rename the mine to normal. This is my first time on this site and I don't understand how things work, so I make mistakes.

hello, to continue the dialogue, you must click on the text with the left mouse button. and "continue". Thanks for the feedback!

hi, can you tell me the name of the asset with this creature?

Hi, can I find out the name of the monster asset? 

I apologize, I mistakenly added Linux, I do not have such an OS, so I can not help.

Thanks, how to do the scan? Is it blue text? 

Hi, how to get scenes with marlot? I was only able to get one, the rest as I have no idea. 

I tried to change the game, added more open areas, shortened the passage time, added running to the character. I think this would be the best option. The technique depends on the proximity of the triggers that cause it, this is solved by distance, there may be other ways, but I only know this one.

Hi, I don't understand English colloquially, there are no subtitles on YouTube, could you write what exactly needs to be fixed?

(1 edit)

Hi, during development I encountered the same bug, still trying to solve. The length of the corridors should affect the psyche, as if in the dark something is long and empty, but I will reduce the distance from car to car. You were in the middle of the game. I'll release a bug fix tomorrow, hopefully it will work out. Most likely I will remove hammers, look strange, fill the levels. I released the game earlier because I needed to know how it would be evaluated in an almost finished form. I hope you like the final version :) 

I'm sorry, but I didn't set up the controller, since I don't have a gamepad, only a keyboard and mouse, maybe in the future I will add a gamepad to other games.

hello, to continue the dialogue, you must click on "continue" using the mouse. I'll fix the death bug soon. thanks for the comment.