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Kenneth Rougeau

A member registered Oct 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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NOTE: works best in seated mode 'cause I was sitting on my butt when I made it, lol. Sorry 'bout that :D

Again, my apologies, this was essentially "designed" as a seated experience (mostly 'cause I'm parked on my butt in this office chair lol) and will likely not work as well standing. I'll do my best to remedy such things in the next project I build.

PS: Toddler Simulator looks absolutely terrific & I can't wait to try it out a little later in the day, after some much needed sleep. :D

As Mandraw says, it should work if you have a PC to link it to. I was too pressed for time to make an Android build, though I'd be happy to do so if you'd like. :) Thanks!

Wow, this build actually worked for you? All it would do for me was start playing the music & freeze up, lol. Had me tearing my hair out! As for the gameplay, it's truly a matter of my own lack of current experience. I was designing from a seated position w/out really thinking & while their are min/max heights on the XRRig character controller, that didn't seem to help much. For the best experience, get comfy in a chair and go from there haha! :D Thanks so much for trying it out despite these limitations!!!

Ever so kind of you! :D I'm looking forward to checking out your submission as well, but right now I'm just six kinds of drained and should be asleep, haha! Thanks so much!!!!!

Ever so kind of you! Thanks so much!

Here's a proper working copy of my VR Super Jam game submission. Works best in seated mode & *should* function fine on Vive, Rift, and Quest with a PC link.

You're most certainly welcome :)

I'm just guessing (new here) but your game's page might still be set to Draft mode & not Public.

Argh! For some reason the submitted build locks up & refuses to run. *SMH* For anyone interested in actually checking it out, here's a link to a proper working copy:

(1 edit)

If I recall correctly, they'll be providing us all with a "basic XR rig" *once* the jam begins. Looking forward to it!!! :D