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A member registered Mar 13, 2024

Recent community posts

Didn't know people would be posting their ideas. I decided to go left-field with the bubble theme and am working on a game where the player use psychic shots to burst thought bubbles of game NPCs to mess with their productivity and ultimately prevent the corporation from completing it's objectives. It's going to be flyer game, (never made one before) in UE5 using Unreal Blueprints. Jam's like these quickly remind me of how much I've forgotten about the engine lol. Good luck everyone!

Hi Sarainia. I just now saw this reply, been head down in Unreal Blueprints all day. I think it's too late into the jam to try an work out a group dynamic now, but I appreciate your response.

Hi there! My name is Kit and I will be attending the jam for HackFort and I am creating this thread to help facilitate creating groups. I currently don't have a group and am willing to fly it solo if need be, but I find these to be more fun with others. My main strength is programming so I'd like to team up with someone who is more art and design savvy. I will be jamming from home and may be starting a bit late since I'll be starting after work.

Thanks for the info. I managed to get Friday off and am going to see if I can work a bit more now to get off early on Thursday.  I'll probably stay home for the jam since my desktop is my main development machine and I am not hefting that thing around. If I come by during a break, I'll be sure to stop by!

Hi there! My name is Kit. I just found out about this game jam event yesterday from a coworker. I am interested in joining and have some questions. Is the jam being done in person at HackFort? Do I need to also buy a ticket to HackFort to participate? Is it bring your own gear such as computers and software or are we using provided ones? It's a bit short notice for me, but I'll see if I can get the time off. Otherwise, I may just pop in since I've never been to a HackFort before.