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A member registered Jul 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the comment, and glad you enjoyed the game :3
Yeah, having the dash give a slow-down was a bad decision in hindsight (no wonder I lost energy making it >.<), but hey, one of the powers of game jams and letting you prototype stuff quick and get feedback on them hehe

I think I messed something up somewhere and the tutorial level won't transition into the only other level in the game; but I'm not sure why that is unfortunately, and banging my head against a wall doesn't work :(
But once again, thank you for enjoying it nonetheless!

Thank you for the comment! I was going to add in an indicator for the scythe when it goes off-screen, but it was just causing me a lot of trouble and ultimately just was a pain to do + my time was running out so yeah, good point about making the view more zoomed out ^^;
And, about the mac build; unfortunately I wasn't able to test it on an actual mac >.< (a friend of mine did the exports since my internet is horrible for uploading things) I apologize for that! still though, thank you for enjoying this game prototype thingy :3

thank you for the comment! though I'm not sure what causes the pink freeze? When does it happen?
(really sorry for the late response, was a bit packed on time lately ^^;)

Correct, Mario was jumping off a cliff in Judgement 2. Judgement 3 is meant to be a bit of an oddball ending, without any indication of Mario's fate in that ending, and also because I really wanted to be done with the game. Glad you're looking forward to the post-jam version; It will be SO much better.

brooooo lmao

tfw when you dont get constructive critism from babe and he hates the PvZ music :(

Joking aside, I could do that for time attack and for set 4.

(2 edits)

Here, you wonderful tasty beta play testers can discuss bugs and suggestions here, with other wonderful tasty testers! I trust you all to be civil and constructive when giving criticism.

This board is dedicated to Undersion Deluxe.


  • Cardboard doesn't look like cardboard. I'll do them later when the whole engine is finalized
  • Bubbles are slightly buggy, will try to find a fix for them.
  • There are 2 maps per map set. They are chosen randomly.

Hi. I am a Sri Lankan game dev and pixel art person. I use Construct 2 and Aseprite for games and art. I just love making games and art, its just so fun!

I have some projects, but I am not finishing them as they are tests. I hope my games get some love. :)