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A member registered Oct 16, 2023

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another small bug I discovered, P.K.'s CG is still blacked out in the "extras" tab on the title menu even after unblocking it multiple times in game.

I'll break things down into 3 sections here, any bugs encountered so far (only found one in the current build), general feedback/review on what's currently available, and a "wishlist" for the final product:


>after reaching the end of the available content I have to close out of the game to do another run/new game. I start, fill in name/choose starting girl, and immediately get the "you have reached the end of available content" notice.


>Overall I enjoy what's available. It's simple and fun, but I can see it requiring some brain power if the difficulty is escalated past where the demo ends.

>I'd like to see the game automatically return to the "selection" screen after placing characters in a room. Small thing, but I think it would help the flow. (I'm not super familiar with Renpy, so hopefully that's not a big adjustment to make.)

>Including a small character bio in the Workers tab (species, a sentence or two describing their personality, maybe B-W-H measurements) I personally think would really go a long way towards connecting me further with the characters. 

>I realize this is a demo build, so this may be something planned/not available publicly, but there should probably be a more distinct punishment for ending a week in the red.


>I'd love to see an android version. This is exactly the kind of game I enjoy playing around with on my phone in bed before passing out for the night.

>Expanded cast. You've got a an awesome cast of characters, I hope more of them appear in the final game. ^^ 

>Outfits. I realize art is expensive and takes time, but I would love to see alternate outfits for the workers, either as level up rewards or as purchases in the shop.

>Not exactly a "wishlist" item, but I'm super curious about the unlockable storylines ^^

Closing thoughts:

Seems like a great start! For all the emphasis you've put on this being a demo/trial build, it seems really stable, and I'm excited to see more content! Just my opinion, but I can see this being a great "long term" game that gets updated over time and helps draw more people into your brand. Looking forward to more!