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A member registered Feb 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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seems proper file has been uploaded. i could download and unzip the file.

auto-switching to desktop when mouse cursor went to top edge of screen causes unwanted accident. 

is there any way to turn this annoying function off ?

thanks !

(2 edits)

where exactly to download full version ? the link written in download ( version of 40MB demo) window/page doesn't lead to any possible place..

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the game is rather fun but occasionally it freezes (not that often though). this is fatal flaw as roguelike since there is no save.

additionally, there is no key to target 'self'. some wand could use against player.

screen's been filled with garbage just after Anabel was killed to fall into well (in opening sequence).

is this intentional ?

i have tried different settings and changing machine on OpenMSX emulator, but it won't change.

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possibly its about locale relating issue of OS (mine is 2 byte code's).

french and german or even english app could cause same case to show garbled text or worse, it won't run for failing file name which characters' getting messed up internally.

when starting to fight big fish while fishing, the game stopped working with this message.

"Failed to load img/battlebacks1/16sj%C3%B63.png"

download file seems to be broken. the size of file is only 157MB.

thanks, its best to keep things under user's control for obvious reason.

about windows version, let me choose install folder, please ?

thanks for making such good variation. :)

and of course i have played both versions through.

is it that hard ?

 i could have finished the game within the day i purchased and never got bothered by such degree of "clunky" or "cheap" feeling.

MSX version is more forgiving while ZX version demands tighter control but has better input response and different treat of graphic effects here and there.

if played both, time of fun would be doubled !! :)

(12 edits)

considering revised old 2d mmorpg (of over 2 decades ago), i didn't expect much.

but against such odds, this title keeps me entertain with rather good playability albeit it might look a bit 'small'.

GM (actually dev himself) is not only quite active but very capable man. his restless work literally improves the game on daily basis.

for example, as general issues of mmo,
 -lag or false corrision detection >> almost none to exist

 -potential bugs by adding or changing contents >> will be squashed on sight

 -quite responsive to player's report. i mean, it gets through in no time.  

also, old players are all helpful. 

thanks for such an old-school gem up and running again.

seems dead. no connection to server.

proudly having good ol' retro vibe.

this is SUPER FUN !! :)

Yes Please !!.... oh pls wait...

i suppose big epic adventure could impress audience way better than 3 shorter episodes from the beginning of promotion itself.

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the game is fun. thanks for release.

but why not Disk or Rom Cartridge image version ?

i want to play this game consistently from episode 1 to 3 rather than divided by each, with keeping track of number of lives and scores. and i feel that is as it should be.

looks like this is kinda 1 level only demo.

i have tried on both of KEGA Fusion and Gens, in either case it will get stuck after first boss.
also, i found no entrance working for any buildings, then stuck again at the very east end of the town.

btw, im very happy to see new Monster World-like actrion rpg.

oh, sorry.

that option was somehow overlooked and confirmed changing it affects the output.
seems "smaller messy look" was by the factor of "Auto" scaling (by default).
with changing it to x3, screen got same nice balance as my old 1.3.0's.

thanks for heads up.

it looks and fits in better than current Enhanced version. 2.0.
which somehow lost the precious retro touch of 1.3.0 by making objects smaller. (it just looks messy)

also, former title screen picture of 1.3.0 was much better imho.
it had delivered exact atmosphere of this game.  

so i guess there might be players who still want to have ver.1.3.0 instead like me.

why not put older version as well in download section ?

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this game keeps truly the charm of the former, Legend of Atlantis.
so i recommend this as very well made sequel for those who could enjoy it. those who complain about too action oriented, hard, or lacking check point and so on....

you just need to watch the screen carefully. if it doesn't help, why not take a memo ? each combat is mostly predictable and thus action part itself is not that hard.

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hmm. thanks for an info. i finally could play without disk swapping.

thanks for reply. i wanted to say disk swapping is annoying. so i asked second question.

and if the game was run from cart, is it possible to make save process transparent ?

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is there any way to turn off auto saving on each turn's end ?
...or a way to utilize second drive for keeping save disk working ? which is the best way i think.

its better eliminate such backend process or its just annoying to play on this type of time consuming game.

pity... i think this game is worth having such features. 

is there any chance of AY chip tunes being added ?
maybe it requires 128KB model ?
still i really want to play this game with accompanying tunes.

i overlooked this one for having thought it of yet another port from Speccy.

but i was so wrong.
thanks dev. this is an unexpected gift for me. :)

im not the dev nor author. but i can say you should receive steam key as well after your purchase. (not demo)

as to promotion from beta to latest version, i don't know. since i stopped using steam for now.

maybe you'd better ask directly to the dev. they should be quite responsive AFAIK.

the author seems to be already in the making of rather promising new game.

PRECINCT 20: Dead Strange
this is based on same author's novel. (same title. you can find on Amazon)

im looking forward to it as well.

this sure is SEUK game.

for those who might not see the point of commercial release of such material ...

its presented as compilation of all past Cops series.
4 games in total for single purchase.
so it was not that bad shopping for me (play time wise), which is my after impression though.  

BUT, i hope single crt image to be released in the future for fastest handling.

just paid as im very satisfied with the contents.
i have tried 2 versions of Stranded as well, but i do much prefer APAC to those. system and structure wise.

i must say adoption of WEGO/Impulse system for a puzzle on planning is simply best combination.
if it was relying on action as precondition like Lemmings, i wouldn't have bothered since i already have got enough of such types.

pls keep up with this course. i mean, more levels in total if possible. (at least 100...  no, hopefully 200 levels.)

just have finished and it was very fun.

thank you devs for this kind of cute & crisp puzzle. :)

thanks !!

Yape worked perfectly. no more broken image !

this is unexpectedly nice game !! thank devs.

its another new year's present. :)

but one pity thing is ...
title picture is broken on xplus4 of WinVice 3.1.

seems major issues are resolved in ver.1.3. (at least in my case)

thanks !!

cute and fun.

every part is well put in together.  i love it. :)

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so many improvements... Thanks !!