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A member registered Feb 10, 2022

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Google で検索してみたんですが、見つかりませんでした😥

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Mofu さん、credit の音楽の名前は何ですか?その曲が好きです。

Mofu さん、Credits に私の本名が表示されてるのはなぜですか?私はコメントを残しただけなのに。封呪姫を購入しましたが、サポートされているのは封呪姫のみでした。私はこのゲームの実質的なスポンサーではありません。Patreon にも参加していません。特に私の本名をどこで知りましたか?名前を変える前のコメントでしたか?

Why we play an independent game is to know the author's creativity and unique personality, not the author's fans' ones. Please stop accepting so many requests to sell expectations.

[Bug report]

(1/3) The "Skip" button in the conversation has no effect. (It seems to be an old bug.)

(2/3) The bug in the image below is still there. I didn't get the bow this time, so it's not caused by the bow. (Maybe it's an old bug, too.)

(3/3) Debuff on the balls' "appearance" didn't recover after ejaculating or interacting the long mushroom on the right. We need make Nene go to the another map.

Other bugs are fixed.

[Bug report]

The item consumed doesn't represent on the shortcut X which is not using.

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個人的にはプリンセスに対する印象は清純な女の子、あるいはツンデレわがままロリっ子です。Mofu さんが言ったのは、なんか女王様の感じの方が近いと思います。

[Bug report]

1. I can see the skill mushrooms before getting them. The image is at the time before getting the jet mushroom.

2. The graphic of Nene's flat chest is broken.

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Sorry for this junk comment caused by my complicated mood in real world.

I have too little experience to talk to people, even using my native language "Chinese (Taiwan)". I seldom talk to people on the internet, even friends nor family in real life. But Mofu makes me want to comment here.

I want to improve the translation to "Chinese (Taiwan)", but I should not do this in my time because of procrastinating some very important things. I also have little confidence to translate something. I don't like English much but am a little familiar to it. I love Japanese but I didn't learn very much of it. I always access videos, mangas, and games with Japanese.

I like Dorlly, fox sisters, and Catera the most. Next are Nene and Cynthia. I'm also curious about the centaur now. She reminds me the strange noun "humantaur" because her front legs are not like a real horse's legs. Of course, I know this noun doesn't fit the world setting, and do not hope this to be added here, too. But I still like Mofu's character design of centaur very much.

I'm imagining how Catera masturbating and ejaculating with her small penis like clitoris, and Dorlly wearing an oversized t-shirt holding a joystick in a dark room. I like drawing but have no confidence to even complete a line draft.

I have so many ideas, but this is Mofu's game. Also, too many ideas (including from the developer) and suggestions will make the time of development too long. I hope there are not too many よその子 (other ones' original characters) being added. I hope Mofu can concentrate on the main game system, the main story, and the characters with big branch stories. Just add more systems and more characters after the release on Steam. Don't be too greedy now.

Mofu is too gentle, so I always stick here waiting for the updates and replies from Mofu. I've gained a lot of positive energy here.

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Isn't it a bit unreasonable to be able to interact with Dorlly before the fight? Also if interact with Dorlly, Dorlly will appear at left, the animation will become not so smooth.
I can't see the screen black bug in [ver. 0.032], but I still post the save file here.

Bug seen at [ver. 0.031.67], screen turns black after defeating Dorlly and entering left or right next maps.

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How can I upload the save file here?

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[Bug report] [ver 0.032] [win11 x64] [New Game]

I found a strange bug. When Dorlly had only a little HP, she released the smell, and I attacked her. I winned the battle but the MC fell after the battle because of the smell. 

After reloaded by the system, the angry Nene's illustration appears and cannot be removed. The MC appeared at the left and automaticly moved to the right without pacing. She moved with standing still, and stopped at the location in front of Dorlly.

I can move the MC now, the angry Nene is still there. But I can't react to Dorlly, nor go to the other maps.

After writing these, I tried to open the menu (and I heart the BGM) and load the Auto Save. It becomes like this:

(The image is with no cut) The BGM is still there, I can click next, previous and see the other saves. But after clicking them, nothing happened. I cannot do anything but jump out and close the game.

After reopening the game and loading the Auto Save, the MC appears at the starting point.

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I enccountered the bug that the screen turns black after defeating Dorlly, even after I reinstalled the game many times. But in the new save, the bug didn't appear. 

This game is made with Unity. You can see "made with Unity" right after you launch this game.

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[Bug report] (win11)

After defeating the new boss, if the mc go map changing on the either left or right side, the screen becomes black except the interface. Pushing any buttons made no responses. Only changing between controller and keyboard changes the text of shortcut tips. 

(Not a bug) But if I jump out, close the app, and relaunch, the auto-saving still works. The mc is in the right map, and I got a duplicated bow. The number of defeating Dolly is renewed. I have a new chance to fight to her now.

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(Japanese only) 自然界に雌雄同体な生き物「ウミウシ」の一種「テングモウミウシ」

If you want to know more, please search "sea slug" or "leaf sheep".

私が大好きな生き物です。もちもちな感触と鮮やかな色で、Mofu さんの絵を思いだしました。😄


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彼は、Discord サーバーを作成し、所有権を Mofu さんに譲渡すると言いました

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I would appreciate if Mofu can make more variety for hairstyles when adding new characters, like boyish, short, bob, short twintail, long twintail, single side tail......, and so on. 🙂

p.s. For now I like the skunk's hairstyle the most. 😆

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Mofu, do you have a note for what to fix and what to add? If yes, it may prevent you to forget many things. (Mofu's English is better than mine 🥲)

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Maybe add some achievements such like "no healing", which hardness is between "defeating" and "no damage"?

I'm not very familiar to this comment thread, but I saw that Lipstor angrily replied to mofu with a screenshot. In which m0fu says he will delete many characters...? When I found that the no-name account's url was M0fu, I was shocked.

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Maybe M0fu, not Mofu?
M0fu is the "Suspended account" below, and was the account without name posting strange videos and using hollow bold fonts.



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Mofu さん、このゲームは search で見つかりませんのことについて、これを見ましたか?

booth で封呪姫を買いました!非常に面白かったです!
