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A member registered Jun 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Probably in the next month, hopefully before. There were a 3 months delay between 13-14 and 14-15.

I'm not an huge fan of giant breasts, I prefer them a bit smaller than the ones I see in the sprites.

It would be really appreciated if you add the possibility to reduce the breasts size.

I've already said this, but it's good to remind it for the new people arriving here.

When you first play this game, you do it just for the porn.

But then, you stay for the plot. The porn makes the "extra cheese on fries".

No plans for pregnancy or egg laying?

Tomboys are simply the best. And knowing your work I can't wait to see where the story goes!

Regarding sex and other, like theft, lesbian sex, straight, forced, oral and so on

Is there a full list of the in-game kinks? 

In my opinion it would spice it up a lot

What are all the fetishes/kinks?

Any plan for pregnancy in the future? It always works great for these games, imo.

I wrote it some time ago, you must treat her in the worst way possible since chapter 1. That's how I have obtained the scene.

Is pregnancy planned to be added?

Is pregnancy inside the game or planned to be added?

Same for me, that's why it's a completely different save. I have three now, one with a relationship with all the girls (except of course Nadya and Eva), one where Jade is still a slave and the one for grateful Vess.

I think that there might be something more in the next chapters, I'll keep that route saved just in case. I don't want to treat her terribly from chapter 1 again.

Ha appena rilasciato il capitolo 13, comunque dubito che troverai molte risposte in italiano qui. Ti conviene usare un traduttore se non capisci l'inglese.

Grateful Vess requires you to start over from chapter 1 and treat her badly. I did it and unlocked the scene.

Start the game from chapter 1 and always treat her badly.

I have unlocked it yesterday. You MUST treat her as worst as possible since chapter 1. Or at least it's what I made, and in chapter 13 I got the scene.

I've just obtained the "Grateful Vess", and I feel like shit for unlocking it.

I took the evilest route with her since chapter 1, by not telling her about the plan. And it kept going on, by choosing the mean replies and never caring about her. Not kissed her, not talked to her, and treated terribly during her jail time. I've also tried to leave her there.

Then, in chapter 13 I had the choice to ignore her again or to unlock the scene.

Not gonna lie, I've started this mostly for the porn. But now, I want to see more about the plot/story instead. It's many levels above the average tv series and movies that came out recently.

That's damn true. I saw series and movies with a plot that can barely called a "story". This game could make them all blush and bury themselves.

I've not played it yet, but the changelog says pregnancy is persistent? So you don't give birth, or it gives some side effects that will last after giving birth?

I've not played it yet, but the changelog says pregnancy is persistent? So you don't give birth, or it gives some side effects that will last after giving birth?