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A member registered Mar 20, 2020 · View creator page →
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Cozy multiplayer game to chill and have fun with your friends.
Ajuda al drac a conquistar a l'amor de la seva vida... A través de la dança!
Recent community posts
Alongside my teammates Marina Camí, Lidia Álvarez, Pau Sánchez, Alex Terradas, Jose Cánovas, Joel Rodríguez and Óscar Paz we've developed Gyromitra, a 3D Person Shooter and Platformer where you play as Seiri, the forest spirit.
After 10 weeks of developement it's finally released for everyone to play and enjoy it, you can go and check the project page here: Gyromitra
After 10 weeks of developement it's finally released for everyone to play and enjoy it, you can go and check the project page here: Gyromitra
I love the game, I find it really cool both aesthetic and from game design perspective.
I think a gamepad controller option/mapping would help, cause at some points I find that keyboard controls are somehow chunky with some situations (at least for me, maybe it's a design decision, idk).
PS: I'm a former game developer and I've been wondering for a while to start learning how to use Monogame, as it's main language is C# and that's the one my degree teaches the most, soo... I was wondering if you had a devlog about the project where I could check the troubles and tips you've had and found.