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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have yet to receive anything even remotely annoying, so don't worry. I'm hoping to start rolling out the next update mid March, but that's subject to change as I'm in my last semester of university and trying to get some form of a stable career. 

That is to say, I'm working on a lot of cool things (from my perspective) in the background that will hopefully add to the experience, and it's taking longer than I expected to get everything working. Since you don't have a Discord, I don't mind sharing some of the things coming in the next update:

Inventory, shops, tasks, character stats, bonus events, branching story, and quite a bit more that's invisible to the player, but also makes my life so much easier.

Quite frankly, it's people like you that help me stay motivated, so thank you for leaving such a wholesome comment. I hope the coming update is to your and everyone else's satisfaction as I have poured quite a bit of time and coffee into it <3

Interesting. I'll have to do some testing on my end. The next update was supposed to be a major overhaul anyway that would have nuked any previous saves (you can see what's coming on our Discord). I was thinking of ways of integrating old saves, but if this is true, might as well have a clean slate on the new version of ren'py.

The benefits of 64-bit and some of the rendering enhancements outweigh some of the work needed to regain the progress in this case as the game is still light on content. 

Either way, lots of testing and dev time to go :D

Ah, looks like a bug in the story flow. Thanks for letting me know!

(2 edits)

Resolved: new build tested and uploaded. You shouldn't run into the same error.

Update: I have found the issue and of course it's just one line of code ;_; Rebuilding and fresh upload soon

I will test this tonight and try to fix this. I'll post another reply soon hopefully, so stay tuned and sorry that you're running into this!

This update breaks old save files. Unfortunately no way around for this update but to restart. However, future updates will not have this issue, so do save your new playthrough

A little bit of both. I'm working on adding more mechanics to the game, so it doesn't feel like a click fest. There is also an event tracker if you're not sure if there's more to a character's story.

The initial release does not have that much plot, but the next update will have plenty more and a way to track what's left to do!

The bug has been fixed for the upcoming version.

Do come join the server, I would love to hear your feedback <3