oh and just adding onto screenies here
if anyone remembers the release of vs violastro, violastro is a galactic entertainer, and he kidnaps bf and gf to participate on their "show" as you can call it, front of thousands of people.
void takes that same idea, only that it's a concert, and people are watching the concert event live online. not in person. you see how that's really fucking close to a copy???
no like seriously play both of the mods and tell me
Hi there. I'm GaryGD, and I've been responsible for making some of the most downloaded mods of all time. However, I have a suggestion for the Mod Creation Tool.
Introducing. ModScript!
It's a programming language I came up with to fit the Mod Creation Tool. It's a Lua library dedicated for the game!
I've been thinking about it like this:
local CPU1 = {
Speed = 1200,--speed in kilohertz
Points = 200, --points needed to research the CPU
UnlockDate = 1975, --date unlocked
Package = "DIP", --the package of the chip
Pins = 25, --the number of pins
XpReq = 220, --the XP required to be able to research the chip
xPos = 6, --pos of where the box for the chip is
Cost = 5000, --amount of money needed
Cores = 1, --number of cores
Image = "DIP24" --image
Time = 70, --time needed to research the CPU
Performance = 36, --performance of the chip
Stability = 5.6, --the stability of the chip
Build = 13.4, --the build quality
Researched = false --check if the chip has been researched
Yes, the library hasn't been created yet, but it would be interesting to see this in the mod tool itself!
(this could be added in 0.3 :eyes:)
Anyways, cheers!
Hey, so recently, I've just postponed my so called "spyware" of a mod. (which was likely a joke in the past)
I want to keep making new mods, and while I did announce I was working on a mod that has also been postponed as well due to a number to reasons, including the relations of the dev team in general.
So I want to make a new mod, with some of you guys! Chuck me some suggestions, and I'll get to an idea, and hopefully, I'll get the mod to work properly, and I'll be able to release it. You never really know if it'll be famous in the future!
Some things to keep in mind however:
2. I AM TRYING TO ADD SOMETHING NEW INTO THE BUNCH OF MECHANICS (like the mentioned attack mechanics that ninjamuffin was planning to add into fnf)
3. THE MOD WILL BE PROFESSIONAL (no memes, or jokes here and there. just trolling.)
4. I WANT TO MAKE A NEW ENGINE (kade is ok, but the scoring, and mechanics are awful. I need something that acts like it, and has better scoring, ranking, modifiers, and an input system like old input but better. something like mic'd up but it's original to the game, and not the mic'd up engine, and not something like sarv engine. you know how bad that was, right?)
5. FINALLY, THIS IS ONE OF MY FIRST FLAGSHIP MODS!!! (basically meaning I know nothing a part from testing, and charting)
Take all of these things with a grain of salt. Make sure to drop all suggestions in the comments. Thanks!!!
Alright. So I tried to advertise my mod WHICH WAS CLEARLY NOT SPYWARE.
I was only doing this so I could gain more downloads since my mod was dying, but you all fucked it over. Fuck all of you, go outside for once in your life and stop being the kitten and discord moderator you guys really are.
I'm done, goodbye.
Here's 5 reasons why.
1. It has Week 7!!!
2. There are polished assets to give the mod an asthetic
3. Recharted songs that are both harder, and improved.
4. It's different from most mods, because it isn't stupid difficult! (hehe)
5. It's worth your time downloading.
https://kurtfan5468.itch.io/re-fnf <----- link to grab it for yourself :D