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A member registered Dec 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your efforts ! I wish you many happy days incoming, and I'll hope you'll be able to nejoy some rest as well.

(1 edit)

Very sorry for the late reply!! I am on tumblr yes, np if you want me to contact you there. After reading your reply I decided to check what happens with the other options (should've definitely done it earlier), and it seems to be all fine except if I choose Gunslinging as my first choice. 

No matter which stat it is the second choice will always get enhanced by 10 while Gunslinging won't. Tried it the other way around as well, and it... works? Whatever the first choice is if I put Gunslinging as my second choice it will somehow works this way and both stats will be upgraded. (May be irrevelant idk but Gunslinging is the higher stat I have-)

Anyhow hope you'll find what's happening ToT and wish you good days.

Thank you so much!! I just played this serie's games yesterday night and i was BAFFLED, the story and the links to characters from other games are just so good and well-hinted I just wanted to yap to my friends about it. THANKS for those additional informations, very excited to see what you'll do next with this serie!!

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Thank you so much for this new format!! (Being able to save progression is just...mwah. Beautiful.) I played this first months ago and I was super hyped, really grateful that you're continuing this project (:

   x - - - very slight spoiler of Chapter6 - - - x 

I would just like to report a very small issue: at the very end of Chapter6 (dream/nightmare scene) when we follow the path to the forest and the storm, and then choose to go for 4 riddles instead of 3 and manage to answer them correctly only 1 skill is enhanced, not 2 as said. It was the second skill I chose to enhance that got an upgrade but not the first one chosen.

Hope you're doing well! You did a very good job with this IF, I look forward to see your future work. Very good day!

Thank you for all the information! When I played your game I was really excited to get to know them a bit more, so big thanks to you here for having heard our prayers ToT. Without reading your post I would have never thought of all the meanings you put in his name(s). That's a very sweet touch. I love backstories and the fact that you put both his new and past life's is extremely nice of you ahah thank you again.

While playing the game I had a very different idea of him from what he actually looks like lol but when I saw the design ypu chose I was very happy with it ^^ (I love the feather you put, I'm gonna assume it's an eagle's?)

Another thing that marked me after playing was his personality, very different from the other two's I'd say (in a good manner!!) I really appreciated how you depicted him in the after-life place (may have forgotten the exact name) and even after the reincarnation with the meeting with MC. You continued to give indications on his personality that were really well-hinted and generally interesting and lovely. In my opinion he was absolutely lovely while still satying thick and not banal or generic.

Very good job with him!


Well your comment is kinda old but to answer, in my opinion MC didn't "cheat", as the locker room incident happened during university and MC very probably met and got engaged with their wife after.

MC just continued to have feelings inside of their heart, I guess.

(2 edits)

Just finished playing all the routes. This. Is. AMAZING ! All the souls are so lovely with each different traits and stories. I love how many choices we get and how different they react to each of them ! Orion has my whole heart, that sweet french revolutionary.  Someone already said so, but Atlas' route actually got me emotional. It truly felt like two souls reconnecting again. It truly felt like fate.

I know it's a lot to ask but I would love to see additional information on the souls, or on Moira and the role they play, be it in a post, in the game's description, in a short new game...

You did a VERY GOOD job with this game. Really happy to have played it.

you can actually find other tokens in the other trials (make sure to find them all!)

For anyanone wondering, to peel the apple you have to open the inventory and then use the knife found in the cabinet

To get the happy ending you must choose at the end the option "Nothing great comes out without a risk." and have chosen before the  "good-looking" options (just don't choose the obviously not as good as the others).

And that's basically all :DD

guys how about

we leave the poor man alone (the music is incredible)

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- - x spoilers alert x - -

I cried at this game. Multiple times. And I'm really not the type to cry easily actually- It's such an amazing game. The lore is so interesting, currently at my 30th lifetime, I keep discovering new informations and improving my comprehension of the characters. I cried so many times because of Esteban and his doomed fate, whatever I did he kept dying, protecting the city because it appears as his only future and destiny to him and the brief sentence describing his last fight always makes me cry. That and the little paint we do on his grave. Or the fact that Suzette is locking eyes with us before turning to dust. All of their lore.

And I may be a tiny bit desperate because I love all of the babies so, so much and seeing them encountering the same fate over and over again is really slightly killing me. And also because I don't know yet how to get that little piece of information that I need to save everyone for the first time

I really, really love each of your characters. But dang, Anwar, they are something. Usually I prefer trying to get to know a bit everybody before really focusing on some characters but I CAN'T. Anwar are just everything to me, pure sweethearts. 

maybe they had some kind of cafeteria ? considering the fact that they worked all day, to survive they must have had access to food... (yes this is a good question that you asked and I don't have answers...)

Mrs. Stretch's end was the most horrible to me. Even if you let go of her arm after she starts crying she won't stop, her arm will still hurt as much as before. She and the guy in the bath were my favorite characters, ending them felt just so wrong, why was the point of that ? So that we could obtain a key to go outside ? What tells us that that "outisde" promised won't be another playroom for Mr. the Clown ?

(just the thoughts I had while playing the game)

Sure! You have to be catched by the man running after you in the exit door ending ^^ (first ending i got, didn't know you could sprint...)

Internal screaming got me at that point, I must admit.

if my memories are correct you're supposed to create a satanic star

Okay it was really fun to play. I absolutely love the song it fits really well the atmosphere I think- Anyways, thanks for thet new game, I got huuuh 5 Bad Endings and the True One (gonna re-play one last time to see if I got all of the Bad Endings). Anyways it was super silly to play and even if we only see the designes of all character only once, I really liked it. The little fact about the dinosaur too (when I went to settings to change some things before playing I was like "Why the heck is there a dinosaur here ?", happy to know now !).

Thank you very much ! (and yes, it helped :)

Hi! I just finished the game and I was wondering since I've also seen that in other game's description as well, what does IF means ? very good day to you anyways

like that game already so excited to see what's coming next! btw I don't know if it's just me but after choosing the appearance of the mc (color of their features), whenever there was a sentence mentionning that choice it would just write 'Wings color wings'  or 'Horns color horns'. If you could give it a look I would be really really grateful !

Thank you for releasing that game!

im pretty sure you have to take the red thing who's kind of behind the other organs... just take everything if you're not sure :DD


just choose the best options to be friend with him anddddd smth :DDD voilà

how to fall in love again and again with Zev and getting your heart destroyed every time.

one word : fluffy. so happy with that silly game

hi! maybe it's a bit late but well you just have to find the orange in all routes- i struggled a bit because i kept getting the wedding route with Fuku without realizing but now i'm finally starting the fourth path so happy

this is a very spooky question

sorry for the false hope :/

just finished the available content and this is bliss and torture at the same time. This game is just amazing and everything I was looking for, you did a dazzling work dang! the history is so well-built; the charachters are all very different and extremely well written + im drooling over that plot like WOW IT'S SO GOOD

anyways hum hum i love this game.

i can't really describe what this game did to me, but well... thank you so much for letting me play it, even tho i know damn well that i'll play it again and again. I'll return here one day, that's for sure. Thank you for this game, reallly.

playing the Bonus Ending after the 3rd Ending is the best feeling ever love that man and Sobolan

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This game is awesome and will very most likely always have a special place into my heart.

This was so, so good. Thank you very much for creating that game.

(edit: just replayed the game and holy moly what was all those endings that I didn't get?? such a full and precious game)