omg i feel personally called out by this game and now i really just need a cool alien kidnap me. what a lovely little story!
Kyanite Heart
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no worries!! i'm so glad the fullscreen and resoltuin at least works now! maybe one day i can figure out why it's so finicky...
glad you're enjoying the new crazy items! mark of rhealith miiiiight need to be removed one day but i'm gonna keep it for now. because it's too funny. and glad you liked my cat's voice acting haha
i'm assuming that was the spirit alter that consumes your warp spirit (the thing that makes you dash) for a mark? glad you got a clear! i've been worrying if the game is too hard so that's good to hear.
the settings are supposed to look like that for now. i used the spiderweb to mark of fullscreen is on but it does look rather janky. it works for me though, so that's super odd. i haven't added anything with resolution yet because i realized that will need some major rearranging of some code, so it's just a "..." for now.
yeah the chance of getting items is super low in this build but that is changing! i've made it so the room order is seeded instead of random in the next update and that has helped a lot! i had no idea there were issues with the fullscreen and i shall look into that. if you enemies byt entities then i made them disappear when they're in the walls on purpose (to be a meanie) but maybe that is too meanie...
heheheh, i didn't include the biggest secret of all anywhere! i wanted to see if anyone would notice but it's been so long i'll spill the beans. there's a 3 digit code hidden here on the itch page (try pressing F12 and search around in the code) and on the background of the intro text in the game (you'll have to screenshot it and adjust image settings to view it). if you then head up the little piece of path next to the sign on your way to Rootsberg, you keep interacting with the woods. make sure to pick up the book after viewing the secret event. good luck~
Lo siento si esto es un galimatías. Usé el traductor de Google porque no hablo español muy bien. Rellena la regadera manteniendo presionado el botón derecho del ratón sobre ella. Tus plantas ganan amor si mantienes el nivel del agua entre las dos líneas del medidor de agua. ¡Más tarde también puedes acariciarlos para ganar amor! ¡Espero que eso aclare las cosas! ah, y además, las plantas no pueden morir en este juego :)
I think you'll end up disappointed if you try to brute force it since that would probably take over 2000 different combinations to find out and the reward probably isn't quite worth that much effort. I wrote some hints in the completion guide but it doesn't fully explain everything in detail! good luck! i'm glad to see someone go looking for secrets :P
Thank you so much for playing! Receiving feedback like this is really nice because it helps a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed most aspects of the game! The drawings are very simple due to me being very new to drawing, so that's just gonna improve over time haha. I can't believe I missed some typos! I really tried my best to get rid of them all but I'm probably gonna do a little update soon to fix a couple of things. Might as well go through it and check for typos as well. Thanks for the feedback!~
Autumn Leaves is a crafting and exploration game. Explore the world and find obelisks that unlock memories. Build crazy machines to escape the strange world you're stuck in.
The game takes around an hour or two to complete and it only has one ending. The game auto-saves often and it auto-loads when you open it again.
- 10 Different Machines.
- 9 Different items.
- A Spooky Story.
- A Cute Ghost Cat.
- A Lot of Dead Leaves.