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A member registered Jan 29, 2018

Recent community posts

YEAH like he said guys 

NVM I saw the post, keep the good work buddy 

Why the beep a remake ?

already there

Learn to type understandable sentences :D

"View all by Killer7" :D

Let's go new project ! \o/

hey just wanted to say that I'm really impressed by those weekly update ! Man you are really hardworking ! Juste don't forget to take somme break we don't want you to burnout and stop updating the game. Thanks for your hardwork. :)

what the instruction for this patch ? Do i have to delete or keep v0.14 patch ?

just have to perma heal the hostage

nvm i just have to perma heal the hostage 

i have a probleme with the first Fight never ending, a bug when the action ui disapear during the fight with Aine vs Cro

I've got a notification in my feed but see nothing. What's new folks 

yeah i'm using old saves i guess i have to make a new run

13 but in love trait 2stars and 52 affection

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How do I Progress Kali story at certain i stop having hint of what to do but i need enhance friendship to progresse the android story, my last event of her story was when she delivered pizza to the weirdo who wanted to pay to watch her masturbate

Ahaha i didn't expect to be able to go their from the map I went to the castel by logic

Hi how do I get to Sara's room

(1 edit)

hi i really like the game, when does V0.9 realesed ?