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A member registered Feb 22, 2024

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Hello. I'm here again because I was dried out of this game but since it got a update I was fully hyped! Anyways suggestion is.

Add a hut in deep forest

What does the hut do? Basically you can make potions but with cheaper ingredients and extra potions that is only obtained in hut also the hut has a insect watching us. But if we have the option to sleep in the hut giving us a insect scene. That's all for now and I hope you update again:)


Checking on any update!

(Still no updates:<)

It was rushed馃槶

renamed dizziness to confusion 

On confusion 3 the player will get 3 times lust then normal and a special scene if you got defeated while having confusion 2 or 3

To night's suggestion is...!

The hypno plant

The hypno plant can be encountered in the deep forest with 25% of encountering it

When defeating the hypno plant it will drop a piece of itself that you can make into a potion! And also the hypno plant gives dizziness 1-3

Dizziness is a effect that affect's the player's combat, the dizziness will make the player often miss the enemy or even skipping the player's turn

And the potion? It can give all the enemy in screen dizziness 2 but it does work on the hypno plant

Hypno plant art will be posted tomorrow;] AND MERRY CHRISTMAS:D <3

Don't worry I will be cooking something very big;>

LETS GOO NEW UPDATE thank you I was getting bored

I'm back!!! And a suggestion ISSSSS

The giant Venus flytrap basically a giant fly trap that fucks Leah and releases a gas that makes Leah lewd and getting too closer and starting 3 scenes

Not alot actually because I forgot the things I planned:[ but that's all see you tomorrow>:3

Made by me

Mutant spider drawing:D

I don't have any more big suggestions but add a item that let you summon a minion to help you in battle

Tomorrow I will cook up something very big that it would considered to be the best game of lewd insect history games>:]

Kyle here again and call me kyle instead of kyleyuanmaz1 for short for the daily suggestions is...

The ancient city (Minecraft reference!?)

Self explanatory it's a city that was abandoned along time ago and have some 3 new interesting insects that I made 

3 part of the ancient city

The middle town,the sewers entrance,the cave (yes it is the same cave from the roach cave you have to fight for your life to get in the ancient city)

The centipede-a long insect with many cocks for each section of its body I didn't make the stats because I don't know how the combat system works for the game馃拃25% of encountering and drops the centipede leg that can be used for a item similar to the bandage

The sewers (the ancient city's sewer system)

3 parts - the tunnel 1&2,spider nest, and the entrance 

Spider: probably high damage but low hp? Idk but it is a spider that is similar to the willow spider 49% percent of encountering (in both tunnels)and drops the spider eye (again it's a Minecraft reference)it can be make into a potion that gives you more damage and can see in dark places(Minecraft reference sorry I'll stop with the Minecraft reference and also the potion Is needed for the spider nest cause the spider nest is pitch dark so you need it to get in)

Mutant spider:high damage and high hp and 10% damage resistance 

Drops the spider skin (can be used to make 3 items)

The spider craw- 10 damage useless af

Spider armor- 30 HP added into your maximum hp and 15% damage resistance 

The max spider potion-same thing as the spider potion but slightly better only cost 2 spider fur and 1 spider eye

I might be cooking 

And the comment is pretty long and I can't understand to what I just made:(

Hmmmmmmmm I'm thinking of a suggestion

Add the cave the background is the same as G roach gameover screen 

4 parts in cave

Roach breeding nest (with 3 unknown girls)

The G Roach's nest

The baby eggs layer

The entrance of cave

I'm having a idea for the game daily lmao this game is too good:D

I got a idea in the deep forest

When at night and you are still in the deep forest there will be a options 

1.go back to cabin

2.go to sleep in the deep forest

When going back to the cabin nothing happens

But when you choose to sleep in the deep forest a scene happens:D

Probably the mosquito or roach or even a new insect:p

And also add tentacles in swamp 

25% tentacles encounter

Make it so on Monday,Friday,Sunday, and Saturday that you can't buy from Rumia because it doesn't make sense when you peek on the back Monday it said "no one is there" but if you go but there is Rumia

English poor so sorry馃槶

Suggestion:lewd dolphin

Doesn't do much damage and probably weaker than the roaches but it has alot of hp and comes with the group of 4 dolphins when killed they will drop a 5 types of fish

Clown fish,salmon,goldfish,cod,and fish

And also a game over screen because dolphin will drag Leah to the ocean and drown Leah to use her body forever:P

That's all:D and pls add more places

Great game:D but I needed more places to explore since I'm a explorer

Let bro cook! Keep up the good work

Cup of love also

What is the code for extreme version

Hey Jackie boy what are the code for extreme version?

Hey jashinn any leaks about the next update?


The camp:the camp is the camping place for the soldiers and it was soldiers,medic, and survivors you can go to the armory place to get a new gun but once you travel at the end you have a choice of (leave) or (stay)


Ak-47 is a gun that can only be contained in the camp it's like the big gun (I don't know the name of the gun) but better

Idea #3: map2

Winter:after you leave the camp you meet with 3 female soldiers fighting a 2 Zombie polar bear (don't ask how did it get there) the 3 female soldiers. 1 manage to escape but the 2 was dragged into the showy forest to be breed

Idea#4: enemy/map3

Zombie Polar bear:it is a fast boy and a strong one

Mini polar bear: this fucking kid will hard to take off because it can bite your arm while fucking you

Undead male soldiers: has the ability to shoot you but can fully kill you to avoid this once the undead soldier shoot lay down because it has a aim of a fortnite NPC combine with a stormtrooper 

Cave:this is where the polar bear and the mini polar bear live you must get to the end of the cave to save the 2 female soldiers but be careful the polar Bear is smart enough to ambush you and set a trap 

That's all and also you can add more if you want