Will Onyx get a belly cum inflation animation? Where then the cum is emptied out while she is lying on the ground trying to get up and her stomach goes back to normal size?
Great progress so far on the game, it’s why I keep supporting it.
Recent community posts
Have a dash attack. Like a running attack to close the distance. A running slide or high knee attack.
Have an area attack like a jump up split attack or a spinning area attack to clear groups that surround Onyx. I’ll do some drawings of the attacks to better represent what I mean.
A transmog system for people that want for their character to fight in the nude but retain all the same armor stats as if they are wearing clothes. It could also be a skin to unlock, bare back fighter.
Have a poll. A vote for the people that would like the bare skin design variations. As in Onyx fighting in just gloves and sneakers.
Being able to map an item use button. Like being able to use to dual sense controller’s touch pad feature to swipe through the items and press down on the touch pad to use that item.
Looking forward to the progress you make in the future with the game.