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A member registered Jan 01, 2021

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is there a hidden rollback button or key or do i just have to save every 2 seconds

Small On Top community · Created a new topic public build

.18 sounds like a very early build compared to .64 and sounds like less than a third of the story so do only patrons get majority of the game then? 

how does that translate to US money

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the game glitches in the browser mode during fight scenes. the words are cut off and in weird places and i cant scroll to see all the move options. the text for the fight is really cramped in one place too

the game keeps freezing i can barely get past the first scene cause the screen stays white and there no ui in the game either

i had to restart all the way from the bandit camp since i encouraged him to go so i could see bottom logan.

well i redid my save and now im stuck n 9 likes for him while bernards at 24

how do i make it so the games doesnt automatically make me chase after bernard so i can go the logan path for werewolf. theres no option for me to chose logan

and where is that

im stuck on the munbury trip. i have all exits unocked but everyone i go to says the wrong one and then theres the one dulrig is to small to fit through.

why is there still a rolback option in the settings then?

is it just me or is the rolback not working. and i dont have it on disabled

so the video still doesnt work. i didnt want to skip it but what am i missing if i do skip.

thank you. will i loose my save is dowload the new patch


the game freezes whne you at the cabin and choose the examine the symbols further. i cant do anything after that. like the the text wont move on and the backgrounds screen is black

still waiting for lukka route lol

i cant even open the game on pc cause its downloading as a video and not an app so it wont let me open it

any updates?

the back button and rollback arent working like they should

so theres this glitch where it keeps saying i need to go to admin building but as soon as the prompt is gone it take me back to the officer that says i have the polishers and it keeps repeating the whole event  with nick and andy over and over every time

What ai generator are they using. I need to know

Why was the download moved to mega. Its like complicated and confusing and I dont have space to get the app just to download the game

Oof I already finished the story and deleted it for another game sorry

Is there supposed to be a black box that randomly covers the horse. It looks really weird and still shows the eyes but in a creepy way

I'm stuck. I just saved the cursed Wolf after defeating him and talked to ulfe again but I havent seen the cursed wolf again and the quest isnt finished

I cant for the love of me find where to get flax seed. Help

How do I get the first sigmund scene. In this update every option I chose keeps leading me back to siggy scene or end scene and it wasnt like that previous updates

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What's the name of the actor for option 21 on the character profile(blonde haired guy with beard) and the name of the guy thats named Dalton Johnson . actually if its not to much trouble could you make a separate sheet with the names of all the actors playing the roles of the guys in the game?

Did android not get the newest build cause it says it was updated 33 days ago and not 7 like the other 2

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When is lukas route coming? I'm waiting for that to play again

The excitement i have for this games update. Easily in my top 3 favorites :3

Orveia community · Created a new topic Mint

where do I find mint.i forgot and I cant find it anywhere at any time of day and the doctor doesnt tell me where mint is after the first time

Can someone explain why .5 and .9 are separate. I downloaded .5 thinking I would get everything and now I would have to start over if I get .9. Not to mention the dummy for advanced is unbeatable where I'm at and the game refuses to give me straps from the goats after getting the first 3

I love it! Renoky my fav artist

I'll just patiently wait for lukas route sometime next year to play lol

Is it just me or wasnt there an nsfw sence with croc after the colosseum. I remember there being on before but its not there now?