The logic can also probably be simplified a lot now that boolean operations can be done between object libraries.
Kyrah Abattoir
Recent community posts
In a lot of scenarios I use the memory feature a lot, it would be nice if there was a section where you could "toggle on/off" specific lines.
Example case is that my character keeps a jacket on a coat rack most of the time, but when they put it on, I have to remove that line and change it to "You are wearing...", it would be nice if iyoucould just deactivate or comment out a memory entry that you use on and off so that you don't have to rewrite it later.
Can also be useful to save memories that are not relevant to the current location for example if your character travels.
After spending about a day getting the hang of Level Buddy, I really like the concept, but texturing is... very difficult :/
I suppose I could just unwrap by hand after the map is generated, but that's specifically one of the tasks that i feel is overkill for quake/half life style mapping.
Something that could really help is the ability to have a "detail" layer for some brushes/sectors that will merge with each-others, but not with the non-detail brushes/sectors