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A member registered Aug 17, 2022

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Will we ever get to see more Flora with her tentacle 'friend'? That thing seems determined to pollinate it's chosen flower, so I can't imagine it'd just give up after two attempts...

You could maybe do with squishing the werewolf's right toes together a bit to better match the left foot, and correct the mis-aligned angle vibe it's giving off. Right now it feels like the right foot id bigger regardless of perspective, and while the right foot is angled toward the character, the toes feel more angled towards the viewer. 

Also the angle of the right arm could do with being a little bit steeper as it currently feels a little too far away from the body. Other than that it looks to be a pretty solid animation, well done :D

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next update. I really enjoyed the current content and hope to see more of your passion and creativity soon! : )

The only advice I can give right now is to remove the AI art from the game's start up. That first one is uncomfortable to look at as it looks like two underaged girls. Obviously they aren't, but that first image is really divisive.

Other than that the game feels like a masterpiece in the making. You've made a very strong start, and I can't wait to see where you go with it! :)

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Now this is a Harry Potter pardody that I can get behind! No uncomfortable reuse of established characters, just a fresh cast and a believable (and interesting) narrative. I can't wait to see where you take this game! :)

This mustbe a thing now! XD

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Huh... so this is why Mario still hasn't married Peach! XD

The only law is Claire, everyone else must cum (in her)! ;)

Hmm... I wonder if there'll be an option to turn on your 'master' and help the heroes whill still getting some action?

not a problem, I hope you enjoy ;)

Actually now that I think about it...

The goblin slaying quests with Eve and Sander needs to be completed, and the delivery quest (regardless of if you save Thea or not). You also probably need to do Gabe's events up to the exam, and the first training field event with Talia where she kicks your ass. I know at least the first two of those have pieces of the main plot in them, so I'd say they are essential. I'm not sure what triggers the final story event of the current story though, but Pete is definitely involved. His events are mainly; eat a fish, get his help with some paint, tell him you've hit bronze rank. Possibly some more that Im forgetting. Then the final one that ends the current main story. 

I think a good indicator that you're close to that final one is Talia asking about your sword, the stating that she's going to try find time to visit him. 

I mean there was talk of adding 'evil' variations to the routes at some point, so who knows? Bloodbath run perhaps? XD

I'd suggest trying to trigger the Pete events and possibly Thea's events as quickly as possible. If my theory is correct, then you shouldn't need anything else yo clear the current main story. Heck, it may be that you don't even need Thea's story. I do know that Pete is one of the key components though.

If you're asking if you can have a virgin run, then no, I don't believe so. No matter what, dude's going to get laid AFAIK.

-Spoiler warning for everyone not wanting those!-

It depends how you play the mc. I know there's a dwarven character you can miss if you choose the wrong reward for a quest. You can also miss an Elven character by just not talking to her after your initial meeting. I believe you can get one of two other Elves killed during one of the quest lines, but I've never done it. Twig you currently cant save, but will be able to later. If you choose the wrong option with Cynthia then she stops talking to you, the same can be done with Zenalith, or you can just starve her to death on one of her routes. Last skippable one I can think of is Thea, you basically just choose to leave, or watch her get assaulted and murdered instead of rescuing her.

AFAIK she is the only one at the moment. I'd have yo double check, but for some reason I want to say Aerith... maybe Twig too, but I didn't pay too much attention to her as there isn't that much content there (yet).


Look at Lori... fairly small :)

I'll be real honest here...

It's early, I'm just up, and I may have misread the title as 'Patrick tries to kill CK' and though it was a a Spongebob reference or something ^^;

Anyway,  you could try SubscribeStar Adult and/or something like Kofi just to keep the money flowing while you set up for steam. Even if you just post updates on the rebuild, the idea would be to provide an avenue for income. 

I wish you all the best either way, CK is a truly amazing project :)

...and then I skim the patreon post titles and see the Lori stuff! Lmao

Oh, I forgot to mention in my last comment that in the android version Im seeing text wrapping issues. This is coupled with the background of the text box sitting too far to the left. I think fixing the second one may actually fix the first as well, except on the occasions where the text amount forces it off the bottom of the text box.

So, I have a couple of questions, I hope you don't mind (Sorry if these have already been asked).

Will there ever be a Lori storyline? Even just a friends chilling together thing? She just seems a little neglected right now, poor thing.

And randomly, I'm not sure if pregnancy will ever be a thing. Regardless, will we ever be able to cure Zenalith of her infertility? It just seems like it'd be an ultimate end to her story line either as punishment, or reward.

I have to say, having not played for over a year, Randel Tales has really come on leaps and bounds. It's really impressive to see all of the improvements, keep up the good work guys! <3

Happy New Year you big tease, hope its a good one for you <3

Merry Christmas Leo, don't eat too much Christmas cake now, I hear Claire likes her sweet just as much as her sour ;)

Well, we may find out if I ever get a mic and decent editing software lol (and some serious confidence).

Hmmm, if only I had the confidence to try my hand at voice acting :P

Keep up the good work Leo, you're doing amazing work as always :3

Looks at the tittle... thats what she said ;)

I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been up to! 

Huh... I really did catch the right vibe with my fan art XD

or your influence and reach is greater than you know :P

Are you sure? :P

You seem pretty familiar yourself XP

Hmmm... devilish and sinister... sounds like she's going to be real fun :3

Blaire huh, I wonder if she's more (or less) promiscuous than her sister ;)

... sounds like it's time for me to dive in again...

No way! I share a birthday with Sapphire Safari? XD

Happy Birthday I guess :3

Then allow me to be the first to get the hype train rolling! What Ive seen so far was... interesting ;)

Good luck, I hope Godot doesn't give you too much hassle :)

More than two if Ive been reading it right... I think it was just before the expansions to the old elf abuser started ( I forget her name sorry >.<; ). I may give it another look soon in that case, the changelogs have plenty of juicy changes listed :)

So... how far does the game go? I played a few versions ago and it ended when the demon girl showed up. Will it ever go beyond that, or is that planned for a sequel?

Is there a sequel to this? I really think that there ought to be a sequel, it was absolutley fantastic!

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Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the reply : )

So... whats the difference between full and deluxe again?

The hype train is a rollin'!

This! 100%

That sounds like an acceptable compromise :)