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A member registered Jul 06, 2024

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(1 edit)

Very good game, gotta say i was anxious and constantly checking the window defiently worth playing

lol i was constantly checking the window through out and just kept going

i must say...i love though i am everything a perfect nightmare would be lol this test proved that much

ty, it's part of my autism, mild autism is what i have and i am also on a laptop and i do have mild autism plus typing on this laptop which is a chromebook is easier but i like typing the way i do.

lol im 29 been graduated i was 15 and graduated highschool when i was 16

remove the time constraint and i could see this being okay, not worth even 5 stars the way it is...its worth 1, if the time was removed might be worth 3 stars...but wont go above..lest the rocks are removed for the first stage

honestly this game could die and i wouldnt care, because really, this thing is...well its just crap...

screw your worthless game dude. make the interact button E as it always should be

your mother said same thing bout you mate.

very interesting....though i think im just a psycho...or a crazy person lol mostly cause all my answers to the pics were not scary

i hate the first person aspect because it makes it harder to kill the enemies in my opinion

lol looking dead eyes isnt suppose to be creepy..idm his normal creepy but its worst when its dead eyes with -100% non-normal eyes.

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i like it n find it useful

atleast for the big guy

well this was a first attempt...i just pictured the big fellow wearing something id wear lol though more pants would be nic

yea....delete your game dude...and get some serious skills in making video games...

just draw them without boobs...their like dont need the groin parts just for it to be a man..just remove the boobs and there you go lo, honestly it helps to make a stick figure first before designing the character as that is how i can make alot of men

cool would love to see more clothes though...well..more black boot options.

say hello to "Aslah a fierce steampunk "Stahrvah Army General" the stahrvah army is a group of uniformed soldiers of many types with one goal...the primary peace of the galaxy, the stahrvah army are against whats called the galactic federation in a way due to the federation trying to force its laws and rules on because of this the stahrvah army (which yes is my own creation of steampunk military lore) tend to be at war with the federation and makes a dueling effort to destroy their operations when possible

so far this is a fun game, personally i like azael...and this game does something not many games do...combines the fae folk and other magical type fantasy folk with human class people....its so cool to see in a game

personally to me it does suck

cool game, interesting and manage to save the day with having the 2 meet up...i love the concept pal its cool

so the glitch you found i found too by complete accident

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Lynx i found a glitch you might want to patch up...i found a way to get into the masks chamber by simply running into the door constantly and glitched through and i was able to get the research note and somewhat break the game this way lol..

idk much bout this stuff...but made the male and female characters look atleast ok 

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ok let me make a better comment, the game dont suck...i do lol mostly cause i think my strategy was 0.0% which is horrible for me

his design is also based on some homeless aspects

my character whom is named "Dallest" (just a pretty unique monk sort of character

meh, boring

yea....imma put it here....its just broken...because if you hit a goomba that died you can die too...which that is broken...fix your game mate and i might just consider atleast giving it a 4 star rating for effort

yea i couldnt do it id need the education and courses training for it

nice and to be honest it is a small thing for me...over i love the idea to it as a parasitic human whos infected by a parasite is something i found unique so honestly....keep up the work friend and hope you have a fun time making your projects, i know ill have fun playing them.

the only thing im noticing is a bug where the start game stays up even after you started the game....meaning i cant like this game till that bug gets fixed

nice, but it could use some....better pants options...not every body gonna want just simply white pants...but i do like the idea...i made a creepy parasitic infested this has a great purpose for that sor of stuf

sleepy head...tbh this for me is my bestest for this it was cool..mine looks like a normal sleepy furby and i love it

my god it defiently is...interesting..but there are 0 clear hints of what you gotta do to finish it..

it was surprisingly entertaining to play

very a lucid dream sort of thing, a type of purgatory for the dead my personal interpretation

i like the idea.....but bonnie looks creepy

eh, its abit sucky tbh...

its a tad difficult...that and im on a laptop..making it harder