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A member registered Jan 27, 2021

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hey buddy just wanting to ask if u alr and if this game will still get an update?

are u alr and is this game still gaining an update

just asking but are you alright and is this game still being worked on

I wish u gl and pls never stop this visual novel

hey just wanted to check in are you alright and is this game gonna get any updates?

hey ik you said you had an unplanned break but its been awhile are you alright?

Kimono just asking but is this game ever leaving the demo version

hey I know you haven´t had a comment in a long time I just wanted to see are you alright and is this game getting ever an update because I would really like that just like many others probably

just asking but u still working on this right? you haven´t given up this project I hope

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I hope everything goes well and I wish you luck in the future this will always be an awesome story

hey quick question you still working on this game right

just wanted to say I hope you got better from your sicknes

I just read about patreon and I am sry to hear that I definetly hope everything works out bc the story is good

does tht mean u take the games down from

I delete the file and redownloaded all so it worked then all

idk whats going on but when I wanted to start the game it crashed my Laptop and now I can´t rly open the folders of my usb without risking tht my laptop breaks no clue why but I thought I let uk bc it didn´t happen before update

Well there ain´t much when I played it after the breakfast moment I couldn´t even leave the kitchen anymore so if tht isn´t intended to be the end I found a bug

idk why but I can´t extract the winrar file so I can´t play the visual novel

it has tho potential to become something big

just a suggestion music or some sound atleast

np thx

ya sry to say the link from the proluge 6.9 is still just mega or u implimented the proluge in 8.7b?



for some reason mega ain´t working anymore by me is there any otherway of downloading besides mega?

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Well nvm I think he deleted his profile bc I replied on his comment where I figured it out if u want I still can give u the details and text u if I find the same thing happening again idk if he made a new account with the same name either sry or he might have blocked me so I can´t see his page no clue

I have no clue how to pm anyone on itch but if disc sure idm do u have any link to a disc server of urs?

I found someone who uses I think ur game under his/her name atleast posted it under there name

I am rly excited for the next update take it easy pls never rush

buddy if u ever need help to test things I have time

will 0.19 ever be free?

I just now tested ur suggestion out closed everything and then tried to play again but still same problem

what platform I just use my normal  laptop when I download the game it downloads a winrar file and I have to extract the game folder of tht file and then I usually just play if u mean which windows I use then windows 10

not crash like that sadly but like a total crash it closes the game

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sry  I got to ask I have no clue if that problem is just by me but the moment when he checks the files he copied from Ms. Clements where he says ,,no,, the game crashes by me is tht a bug or did tht problem only occur by me

once I downloaded the winrar file I can´t seem to extract all data of this game

ah ok thx for letting me know take it easy buddy

is this still being worked on? bc I like the story

is there an update gonna come?