Love your game. It is professional. I'm a professional programmer and I'm also a one-man studio. If you have any plan to make something bigger, free free to let me know.
Laidback Dog Game
A member registered Sep 29, 2018 · View creator page →
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Be the last one standing on platforms. ALL platforms built by players in a LOOPING WORLD. Block Others from moving up!
Be the last one standing on platforms. Build the stage with friends in a LOOPING WORLD. Block Others from moving up!
Recent community posts
Thanks for being the first one comments my game! I'm going to add some special platforms like bounce platform and moving platform. Players can pick and build them. Also, I need to finish the character animations and give them some skills such as one can rotate the platforms. And the scene will become a loop which means what you build before will appear on your top soon.