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A member registered Jan 18, 2018

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I is a word. If a word offends you, you have FAR more problems in life than a silly internet game.

Every "analysis" of the best starting words give you completely different words. I'm not even sure why they would say that siren or dumpy would be all that great. Just two vowels and the consonants are not all that common. Especially dumpy. Ideally, you want to get two words that get all the vowels and a lot of the Wheel of Fortune gimme letters (NSTLR) On my own, I came up with ALOUD and TRIES. Simple words. But it gets me all the vowels and all the NSTLR except for N. I've yet to fail on Wordle, and have only failed on Dordle when they throw a curveball at me with words with the same letter more than once or uncommon consecutive consonants like a GN, or FJ

I mean, you still never guessed the word until you guess all the letters in order in one guess. Just like in wheel of Fortune, you can get every letter in the puzzle ,but you still have to say the answer out loud.

No ability to look at hte whole course means this is just a memorization game.

It's a shame the developer went for a rage game because it could have been a nice upgrade launch game instead. But with so many clouds that you can't see before you shoot, it is nothing but a cheap rage game that you get sick of after maybe 10 launches. If there was a way to see the clouds before you shoot, like a radar upgrade (common in launch games), or maybe even an upgrade to make fewer clouds appear, this could be one of the first good launch games in years.

IT's a shame the developer went for a rage game because it could have been a nice upgrade launch game instead. But with so many clouds that you can't see before you shoot, it is nothing but a cheap rage game that you get sick of after maybe 10 launches.