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A member registered Feb 02, 2014 · View creator page →

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AIVA Advanced Intelligence Virtual Assistant is the Swiss Army Knife of the Internet!

I have added several new features to AIVA:

On the left side you now have a button for Flipboard and Inoread which are news aggregators for people that like to research subjects.

Your calendar button now goes to Google scheduler with tons of features.

On the right side you now have a calculator, reminder pad, grocery list maker, alarm clock and note pad.

There is a button for turning on the voice for video however it still needs tweaking and may squawk at you if your speakers are on.

I am working on the AIVA AI so it will be able to carry on a conversation and learn new commands and more features coming soon.

Try all the buttons and leave suggestions and feedback in the comments.

What is AIVA? Think of it as a Swiss Army knife for all your online and home control needs with tons of features to simplify tasks you do every day saving you time and speeding up your personal productivity.

AIVA will have all your website pages you visit daily at your fingertips and make them accessible with a touch or voice or typed command but unlike searching online through your browser AIVA can deep search several websites using the same search terms so you can compare research information or do comparison shopping or see images from many websites.

AIVA speeds up your browsing by removing unnecessary steps and bypassing the tracking programs most browsers use.

Want to listen to audiobooks or read ebooks online free? Aiva can do that and no subscription required. Listen to free radio, watch free TV and free movies or use your subscription services.

AIVA also provides for all your personal productivity needs with a scheduler, word processor, language translators, file converters, online calling and emergency/panic button, and can control all your appliances using wifi smartplugs.

Also included is a video and still camera and you can take a pic an then use AIVA to enhance your pic using many formats and addons. For the kids there is fun drawing program and games included.

The best part is AIVA is a smart assistant that remembers you and your needs and can offer suggestions and even carry on a conversation with you and AIVA will be in public domain. No subscription and no monthly fees.

OK, that is my pitch and AIVA is about 80% finished and I will be updating soon with additional features. 

Give it a try and play with all the features and leave feedback and suggestions in the comments!

MIMI for Audiobooks and Ebooks.

Mimi can now access Librivox and Gutenburg for thousands of free audiobooks and ebooks. You will need to search the categories on the web page for Librivox for now. Mimi can also access Gutenburg with over 50K free ebooks and audiobooks in their library and you can search by search terms by typing or speaking the search terms and clicking the Gutenburg button.

Can any of those other AI programs do that?

Want a bed time story read to your kids or for yourself? Check out Librivox!


MIMI Artificial Intelligence Interface Virtual Assistant

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One of the best features of MIMI AI is the ability to get fast results for any subject you want to research on the web and it can give you very deep search results using your spoken search terms.

 MIMI for Research and Education.

MIMI is capable of searching for anything on the web. Click on microphone (or cntrl key) and say what you are looking for in plain English and then click the Google button on the desk and the web page will open with your search request shown.

Example: Ask "how often do chickens lay eggs?" or "Where do camels come from?"

Can also be used with WIKI and DUCK however they are more limited than Google in depth of search.

Go try it and tell MIMI to find anything you are interested in and see the results.

It is amazing and will be especially useful to students of all ages, businesses and just anyone that wants to get quick answers to their questions.

If you have a Chrome and a web page reader installed it will even read the results to you out loud.

I recommend ReadAloud and it is free:

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I found a great app that is free and works on most platforms that will read your webpages to you and works well to enhance MIMI.

The problem is I can't figure out how to send a command to automatically turn that on from MIMI?

I would really like to make the interface as hands off as possible through voice recognition and one click commands and the APP requires it to be turned on for each page even though it has some way it says to make it always read pages on open.

I am working on a chat feature for MIMI so that you can ask her questions about herself or a subject to discuss and even include some humor to make your time with MIMI enjoyable and make an emotional or intellectual connection to MIMI.

The interface is working fine for accomplishing that however, I made the mistake of not remembering my video size format so now MIMI jumps from big to little on the screen like a popcorn kernel. So I will have to redo all my vids to the same size and that is my task for tomorrow.

Pop out menu's are also in the work so you can choose a service like radio and then choose the genre of music you want to listen to.

After uploading to Itch io  I noticed the Mimi video responses were sometimes slow, did not play or played too long

This is not a problem using it from my desktop but I was using one video and searching to the response needed and because of the lag time caused between sending the command to the internet and all the other stuff Chrome is doing it wouldn't work properly.

So I spent the day chopping the responses in to little bites and using those to reduce any lag and it seems to be working now.

Note: If you experience lag it is probably because you have a slow internet connection or web pages running that are taking up time. Close those web pages and it should work correctly.

If you notice a lag when you first run MIMI AI wait until  the interface fully loads. You can also type R for a hard restart.

I also  added a digital date and time to the interface and a bunch of new websites and search engines and appliances to try out.

I changed the voice button to a microphone on the desk. Click it once and it will turn green to show it is waiting for a spoken command or search terms. When it has a result it will go to your command or see below for using search terms. If microphone stays green and did not get a result click it again and speak clearly next to your system microphone. Not all microphones are powerful and you must be in range.

NOTE: You can search for specific terms using MIMI. Click on the microphone on the desk and say the terms you want to search for and can be multiple terms like "dog breeds" and then click on the search engine you want to use. Google, WIKI, Duck or click IMAGES and that will take you to images of your search terms on Duck.  be aware I am not your mother so searching for inappropriate stuff will be saved in your browser history.

I added 5 new appliances to try and these will be connected to smartplugs and your appliances in the final version. For no you can command MIMI to turn on an appliance and the appliance will be shown on the desk that it has been turned on.

I have added a text box for you to type commands and search terms but that is not active yet. That is my project for tomorrow!

Minimum System Requirements?

Disk Space?
Graphics and sound card?

What features will not be included in the free version?